Orchid plant care and culture

 Orchids flowers are favored by consumers for their distinctive beauty and diverse forms. They have almost all the colors in the rainbow and the combinations of those colors. The smallest orchid flower is only a grain of rice, while the largest orchid is about 1 m in diameter. Here are some care tips and culture information for growing orchids, you can also see more about some genus, species, varieties and hybrids of orchid in lower parts of this post:

Orchid plant care and culture

How much light does orchid need? - Orchid light requirements:

 All plants need light to ensure photosynthesis. The orchids in cultivation must receive a lot of light, but never direct sun.

 A plant with herbaceous, thin or very watery leaves could be damaged by direct sun, with a sunny window it will be necessary to provide a tent that mitigates the sun's rays, also on the burns of the leaves could install pathogenic fungi.

 An orchid with thick and coriaceous leaves in general is a plant that lives in regions with a strong luminosity, this will support the sun in winter, will have to be placed high near the windows and slightly shaded in summer.

 If the leaves are dark green it is certainly a plant that in nature lives in shady areas so a window to the north will be ideal.

 The hours of light are also very important. If we do not have enough natural light, we will have to set up a system to increase the hours of light available, but we will not have to leave the lights on continuously, even in nature there is alternation night and day.

What is the ideal temperature for growing orchids - Temperature Requirements of Orchids:

 The orchids are divided into three large groups according to the needs of temperature: cold, temperate and warm orchids:

 The plants that are native to low altitudes (from the sea level to about 800 meters) and living in a warm and humid atmosphere, must be grown during the winter in a heated environment; the room cultivation must also ensure a high humidity with winter night temperatures of around 17-18 ° C.

 The species from 800 to 1500 meters will benefit from intermediate temperatures and adapt very well to the room cultivation if given them a temperature difference between day and night of at least 4-5 ° C. A too stable night and day temperature does not allow them to have an adequate flower induction and the vegetation will continue all year long without an adequate rest period, the recommended winter night temperature for these species is about 14-16 ° C.

 The species of the cold regions and those living at altitude require cooler temperatures. A slightly heated room will allow us to have the ideal temperature of around 10-14 ° C. Temperature variations between night and day are essential for good flower induction.

Why do orchids need a drop in nighttime temperature?

 During the day, yours orchids are busy converting light energy into chemical energy via photosynthesis, using the available light, carbon dioxide, water and nutrients. At night, yours orchids consume energy reserves in a process called respiration. Respiration is temperature dependent so less energy is consumed when nights are cooler, leaving the plant more energy to produce flowers.

 Many orchids require a significant day night temperature difference to induce flowering. Phalaenopsis for example, they require a 15 ° C drop in nighttime temperature for 2 or 3 weeks to initiate their flower spikes. Cymbidiums and Dendrobiums can require even larger temperature difference.

The rel ations between humidity and ventilation of orchids:

 Air movement and humidity must be in balance. In a low humidity environment, excess air movement will cause more evaporation and possibly results in dehydration of the orchid. In a high humidity environment, air movement is a must to prevent orchid disease problems.

 The ideal humidity is around 60% for orchids grown in pots, while those grown on the raft will benefit from a about 70% humidity. Keep in mind that the humidity is related to the temperature, the higher is, the greater the amount of water vapor that can be contained in the atmosphere. A too dry air stresses the plants, the roots dry, the leaves wilt and in the long run as well as compromising the flowering can also lead to the death of the plant.

 Plants do not have to live in an environment where the air is confined, open the windows of your culture room when the temperature permits and always provide a fan that ensures good air circulation, even if the plants love an environment damp the air must not be stagnant, a good circulation of air prevents diseases and rottenness.

How to grow an orchid in pots?

 A large number of orchids, both terrestrial and epiphytic, are adapted to be cultivated in pots, although this is an artificial environment with some simple precautions the cultivation in a container will have an excellent result.

What kind of pot should be used?

 The terracotta pots are rustic, aesthetic and heavy enough to give stability even to quite heavy plants. They are made of porous materials that allow rapid water transpiration. On the other hand, the terracotta vases also entail significant disadvantages: rapid transpiration causes a lowering of the temperature of the compound that if for some species that prefer the fresh around the roots can be an advantage, for most of the orchids this is harmful. The porous material of which it is composed absorbs the limescale of the water and the mineral salts of the fertilization this causes an excessive increase in salinity with consequent burning of the roots. It is difficult to provide adequate cleaning of used vessels. The roots of the epiphytic orchids attach themselves firmly to the walls of the terracotta vases, so during the repottings it is practically impossible to flare them without breaking them, even breaking the vase, with consequent damage to the plant. So we definitely prefer plastic jars. These are cheap, light, not very fragile, they can be re-used several times after an easy cleaning; the roots of the epiphytic orchids do not stick to the walls of the vase for which repotting operations are very facilitated, furthermore the plastic material prevents a too rapid drying of the compound with consequent cooling of the same. If you use saucers or pot holders, make sure that no water remains in contact with the pot, put gravel or clay marbles on the bottom so that the pot is lifted from any residual water and at the same time creates a certain amount of moisture.

What is the best growing media for orchid growing in pot?

 Only for some terrestrial orchids we can use soil, for all epiphytic orchids we will have to use substrates that retain moisture but leave plenty of air around the roots.

 Currently all the orchid substrates are based on pine bark with the addition of other materials in various percentages, the pine bark has the property to retain moisture without over-compacting, to last long enough without decomposing and leaving circulate the air at the root level. The size of the bark to be used for the repotting depends on the type of roots of our plants and the size of the used pots; for small pots it is necessary to use the finest size that we will use also for plants with thin roots, while for larger pots and for plants with large roots we will use a larger size. We do not use bark for mulching, this is generally obtained from firs with a lot of resin and sometimes collected in areas close to the sea so it can contain salt residues harmful to the roots and the size is generally too coarse, we also pay attention if we want to collect same the bark in the woods, this must not contain too much resin, must be well cleaned, that does not already start to decompose and that there are no hidden insects or snails. Even the substrates that are already ready for sale in the gardens usually contain a lot of peat and other materials that hold water for a long time with the risk of root rottenness.

 At the bark we can add other materials that, depending on their characteristics, can either retain a greater quantity of water or aerate our compounds. The materials that retain less water are: Pine bark, Coconut fiber (is a material that does not decompose easily, very used in Asia for cultivation), Charcoal (choose a product that is not impregnated with accelerators for combustion, these are toxic for orchids), Polystyrene (choose a non-colored product), Perlite (an industrial product used for insulation, retains about 40% of water, is neutral and aerates the compounds), Volcanic lava, ground rock (some growers use it to cultivate Paphiopedilum and Phragmipedium). Materials that retain water are: Fibrous peat (when wet it takes a long time to dry, avoid too fine peat and enriched with fertilizers), Super (is a white moss that grows in swampy areas, is a vegetable from which the various types of peat derive).

How to grow an orchid as epiphytes?

 Epiphytic orchids must be cultivated in such a way that their conditions are as similar as possible to natural conditions. Numerous orchids can be grown in the home, with a minimum of care they will give us spectacular blooms.

 The best way is to install them on branches or pieces of bark, but this implies a culture environment that is adequate to their needs; humidity and brightness must be controlled and the possibility of wetting them regularly must be ensured. Not having a room dedicated to plants, many hobbyists are able to grow these plants in the bathroom or in the kitchen, two environments where humidity is normally higher than in the rest of the house.

 Another way is to cultivate the potted epiphytes, it is imperative that the used substrate is very aerated, the first cause of death of the orchids is too compact a compound this causes root asphyxia resulting in plant death.

 The cultivation on a support is certainly the most fascinating, it reminds us how the plant grows in nature, the roots that roam the air, the flowering stems that take their natural shape without the need for supports, mosses and lichens that share the support with orchids create a whole that evokes the natural environment of these plants.

 The plants of small size, those creeping or sagging, those that between one wetting and the other must dry quickly and that fear the stagnant humidity around the roots are definitely advantaged by this type of cultivation, the roots are visible and easily controllable, the plants assume a suitable position and the risk of stagnant water in the heart of the plant is avoided, it is no longer necessary to repot regularly and the mounted plants can remain on the same support for several years.

 However, this is not the miraculous solution, the plants must however be monitored and in periods of high heat the humidity and wetting must be more frequent: The support on which the epiphytic orchids are fixed must be of hard wood, it must last in a very wet environment several years; avoid very resinous coniferous woods; do not use wood fallen on the ground for a long time in the woods and that are already beginning to decompose, also avoid wood collected on the seashore because surely the salinity will be very high; do not use wood or freshly cut branches they must dry a few months to keep the bark well attached to the wood; the most suitable woods for this purpose are: acacia, oak, vines and other fruit plants and naturally cork bark, avoid wood with too smooth bark the small roughness allow the roots to stick strongly and the moisture finds room to penetrate and stay longer; we do not like the arboreal fern supports, widely used in tropical countries, because in addition to the high cost and the difficult finding, when it is soaked with water it dries very slowly and sometimes can cause damage to the roots; naturally the epiphytic orchids will be fertilized regularly, being watered very frequently the nutritive salts are washed out without danger of stagnation.

Why does orchid need repotting and when to do it? - Repotting:

 The orchid plant need repot because the plants have grown and come out of the pot, because the culture substrate is old the pieces of bark have decomposed the water is retained and it does not drain any more easily, there are accumulated fertilizers and mineral salts that make the acid and salty compound.

 Repotting is normally done in spring when the new vegetation begins, or at any time of the year if the roots have problems (rotten), or after flowering. Repot every 2-3 years even if the plant does not need to be repotted, if you do not increase the size of the pot, replace only the old substrate, a frequent repotting keeps the plants healthy.

How to water an orchid? - Watering requirements:

 It is impossible to say how often you must water a plant, there are many factors that determine the frequency of watering; the recommendation, in general, is to wet well only when the mixture is dry. The frequency and abundance of waterings are not the same for terrestrial orchids and epiphytes, the latter do not have the reserve of water that have available orchids cultivated in pots for which they will be watered much more frequently. Always inform our suppliers of the needs of the plants purchased, in some cases they love to have their roots in the water A good way to determine when it is time to water an orchid is to weigh the pot: when it is heavy, we do not have to give more water because it is already present in the substrate, when the pot is light means that all the water has evaporated and therefore it is time to water, if we are not sure of the weight of the vase we wait another day it is better not to overdo the water.

Is the quality of water important when growing orchid?

 The quality of the water is very important. The rainwater that filters in the subsoil is enriched with calcium carbonate (CaCo3). Calcium (Ca) is essential for human and plant organisms. Calcium is present in the cell walls of the orchids, promotes the stiffness of the stems and intervenes in the ripening of the fruits and seeds. A limestone-rich water is defined as hard, while the limestone-rich water is called sweet. The water too hard or too sweet is harmful for the cultivation of orchids. The excess of limestone (CaCo3) causes an unattractive whitish deposit on the leaves of the plants and prevents the transpiration and absorption of water from the leaves also damages the velamen of the roots. Too sweet water causes yellowing of the ends of the leaves and the appearance of black spots on the edges of the leaves.

 If we use water for rain water or reverse osmosis water, always add a small amount of fertilizer. Be very careful if you use a domestic water softener that does not give away sodium to water because it is very harmful.

 Another very important parameter is the pH of the water. The pH indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the water, measured on a scale from 0 to 14; a value of 7 indicates a neutral water, above it indicates a calcareous water while underneath an acidic water, naturally the closer we get to the extremes of the scale the more alkalinity or acidity increases. The ideal pH for growing orchids is around 6 or 6.5. If rainwater is collected, it is necessary to avoid collecting the first rain after a long period of drought, this will certainly be full of polluting agents and very acidic. Also keep it in a dark container otherwise algae and other unwanted organisms will proliferate.

How to fertilize an orchid? - Fertilization:

 Growing orchids generally do not provide many nutrients as they are quite inert; therefore the plants will surely benefit from a regular fertilization. It is therefore necessary for their growth and flowering to make necessary mineral elements. The nitrogen for the growth of the new vegetations the roots and the leaves. Phosphorus for flowering. Potassium for plant tissues and protection against diseases.

 It is also necessary that our fertilizers contain a right dose of trace elements. Look for specific fertilizers for orchids because they are normally composed of pure, very soluble raw materials, which do not crystallize again when the mixture returns to dry. Respect the doses indicated and not fertilized with too dry compounds, possibly wet before fertilizing. The fertilizer will be given by watering the orchids grown in pots while for the epiphytes will be added to the water of the vaporizations. Plants will not be fertilized during their rest period.

 We must use fertilizers with a higher percentage of nitrogen in the period of maximum growth, spring and summer; while in the period where the growth is slower we will use fertilizers with the various elements in equal percentages, there are also fertilizers for the flowering period where the percentages of phosphorus and potassium are higher; every 6-8 weeks it is also good.

Does orchid need a rest period?

 Plants have a life cycle that includes periods of growth, flowering, fructification and rest, in many cases they are related to seasonal cycles. During the rest period, the plants slow down their vital activities, which reduces the need for water and nutrients and in some cases also heat, but they always need lightness. In many cases the rest period favors flowering induction.

 Some orchids, like the Phalaenopsis, do not need any rest and their growth continues throughout the year; others, like some types of Dendrobium, require very marked and prolonged rest periods; some species of orchids completely lose their leaves during the rest period. In any case, the pseudobulbs should not dehydrate so that light wetting or spraying may be necessary and it is good to maintain a good environmental humidity with a good brightness. At the end of the rest period we do not have to restart the wetting until the new vegetation begins and this will also be the period for any repotting before the plants emit the new roots that will be very fragile and could be damaged by late repottings.

 Here are some species and hybrids with the care tips, culture information to help you successfully grow and care yours orchids:

  1. Acampe pachyglossa - The Broad-Lipped Acampe


  1. Acianthera erinacea - Spined Acianthera

  1. Acineta alticola - The Extreme Elevation Acineta
  2. Acineta barkeri - Barker's Acineta
  3. Acineta chrysantha - The Golden-Yellow Flowered Acineta
  4. Acineta densa - The Densly Flowered Acineta
  5. Acineta erythroxantha - The Red and Yellow Acineta
  6. Acineta hrubyana - Hruby's Acineta
  7. Acineta superba - The Superb Acineta
  1. Acriopsis liliifolia - The Lily-Like Leaf Acriopsis
  1. Ada allenii - Allen's Ada
  2. Ada glumacea - The Ada with Spelts
  1. Aerangis appendiculata - The Appendaged Aerangis
  2. Aerangis arachnopus - The Spider-Like Column Foot
  3. Aerangis articulata - The Articulated Aerangis
  4. Aerangis biloba - The Two-lobed Aerangis
  5. Aerangis brachycarpa - The Short Seed Pod Aerangis
  6. Aerangis citrata - The Lemon-scented Aerangis
  7. Aerangis collum-cygni - The Swan Necked Aerangis
  8. Aerangis confusa - The Confused Aerangis
  9. Aerangis coriacea - The Leathery Aerangis
  10. Aerangis cryptodon - The Aerangis with the Hidden Tooth
  11. Aerangis curnowiana - Curnow's Aerangis
  12. Aerangis distincta - The Distinct Aerangis
  13. Aerangis ellisii - Ellis' Aerangis
  14. Aerangis fastuosa - The Magnificent Aerangis
  15. Aerangis fuscata - The Brownish Aerangis
  16. Aerangis hyaloides - The Glossy Aerangis
  17. Aerangis kotschyana - Kotschy's Aerangis
  18. Aerangis luteoalba var. rhodosticta - The Beige Aerangis with Red Spots
  19. Aerangis macrocentra - The Large-Spurred Aerangis
  20. Aerangis modesta - The Modest Aerangis
  21. Aerangis mooreana - Moore's Aerangis
  22. Aerangis mystacidii - The Mystacidium-like Aerangis
  23. Aerangis punctata - The Dotted Aerangis
  24. Aerangis somalensis - The Somali Aerangis
  25. Aerangis spiculata - The Spiked Aerangis
  26. Aerangis splendida - The Splendid Aerangis
  27. Aerangis thomsonii - Thomson's Aerangis
  28. Aerangis ugandensis - The Ugandan Aerangis
  29. Aerangis verdickii - Verdick's Aerangis
  1. Aeranthes arachnites - The Spider Aeranthes
  2. Aeranthes caudata - The Tailed Aeranthes
  3. Aeranthes grandiflora - The Giant-Flowered Aeranthes
  4. Aeranthes neoperrieri - Perrier's New Aeranthes
  5. Aeranthes orthopoda - The Straight-Footed Aeranthes
  6. Aeranthes ramosa - The Branched Aeranthes
  7. Aeranthes strangulata
  1. Aerides crassifolia - The Thick-Leafed Aerides
  2. Aerides crispa - The Curled Aerides
  3. Aerides emericii - Emerici's Aerides
  4. Aerides falcata - The Sickle-Shaped Aerides
  5. Aerides flabellata - The Fan-Shaped Aerides
  6. Aerides houlletiana - Houllet's Aerides
  7. Aerides huttonii - Hutton's Aerides
  8. Aerides inflexa - The Bent Aerides
  9. Aerides krabiensis - The Krabi Aerides
  10. Aerides lawrenciae - Lady Lawrence's Aerides
  11. Aerides leeana - Lee's Aerides
  12. Aerides maculosa - The Spotted Aerides
  13. Aerides multiflora - The Multi-Flowered Aerides
  14. Aerides odorata - The Fragrant Aerides
  15. Aerides quinquevulnera - The Aerides with 5 wounds
  16. Aerides ringens - The Rigid Aerides
  17. Aerides rosea - The Rose Colored Aerides
  18. Aerides thibautiana - Thibaut's Aerides
  1. Aganisia cyanea - The Dark Blue Aganisia
  2. Aganisia pulchella - The Beautiful Aganisia
  1. Amesiella minor - The Minor Amesiella
  2. Amesiella monticola - The Mountainous Amesiella
  3. Amesiella philippinensis - The Philippine Amesiella
  1. Anathallis barbulata - Small Beard Anathallis
  2. Anathallis funerea - The Dark Anathallis
  3. Anathallis lewisiae - Lewis's Anathallis
  4. Anathallis obovata - South American bonnet orchid
  1. Ancistrochilus rothschildianus - Rothschild's Ancistrochilus
  1. Angraecopsis amaniensis - The Amani Angraecopsis
  1. Angraecum acutipetalum - The Pointed Petal Angraecum
  2. Angraecum aloifolium - The Aloe-Like Leafed Angraecum
  3. Angraecum arachnites - The Spider-Like Angraecum
  4. Angraecum bicallosum - The Two Calli Angraecum
  5. Angraecum calceolus - The Small Shoe Angraecum
  6. Angraecum compactum - The Solid Angraecum
  7. Angraecum corrugatum -The Wrinkled Angraecum
  8. Angraecum cucullatum - The Cowl-Carrying Angraecum
  9. Angraecum cultriforme - The Knife-Shaped Leaf Angraecum
  10. Angraecum curnowianum - Curnow's Angraecum
  11. Angraecum didieri - Didier's Angraecum
  12. Angraecum distichum - The 2-Rowed Angraecum
  13. Angraecum eburneum - The Ivory-Colored Angraecum
  14. Angraecum eichlerianum - Eichler's Angraecum
  15. Angraecum elephantinum - The Gigantic Angraecum
  16. Angraecum equitans - The Riding one above the other Angraecum
  17. Angraecum erectum - The Erect Angraecum
  18. Angraecum florulentum - The Easy Blooming Angraecum
  19. Angraecum gabonense - The Gabon Angraecum
  20. Angraecum germinyanum - Germiny's Angraecum
  21. Angraecum humbertii - Humbert's Angraecum
  22. Angraecum leonis - Leon's Angraecum
  23. Angraecum longicalcar - The Long Spurred Angraecum
  24. Angraecum magdalenae - Madalaine's Angraecum - The Snow-White Angraecum
  25. Angraecum praestans - The Outstanding Angraecum
  26. Angraecum rutenbergianum - Rutenberg's Angraecum
  27. Angraecum scottianum - Scott's Angraecum
  28. Angraecum sesquipedale - Christmas orchid - King of the Angraecums
  29. Angraecum sororium - The Closely Related Angraecum
  30. Angraecum subulatum - The Terete Angraecum
  31. Angraecum viguieri - Viguier's Angraecum
  1. Anguloa clowesii - Cradle Orchid - Tulip Orchid
  2. Anguloa uniflora - Swaddled Babies Orchid
ANOECTOCHILUS ORCHID - Marbled Jewel orchid:
  1. Anoectochilus chapaensis - Chapa Anoectochilus
  2. Anoectochilus reinwardtii - Reinwardt's Anoectochilus
  1. Ansellia africana - The African Ansellia - Leopard Orchid
  1. Aspasia epidendroides - Epidendrum-Like Aspasia
  2. Aspasia lunata - The Moon-Shaped Aspasia
  3. Aspasia principissa - Elegant Aspasia
  4. Aspasia psittacina - The Parrot-Colored Aspasia
  5. Aspasia silvana - The Forest Growing Aspasia
  1. Arpophyllum giganteum - The Giant Arpophyllum
  1. Arundina graminifolia - The Bamboo Orchid - The Grass-Like Leaf Arundina
  1. Ascocentrum ampullaceum - Vein-like Ascocentrum
  2. Ascocentrum christensonianum - Christenson's Ascocentrum
  3. Ascocentrum curvifolium - The Curved Leafed Ascocentrum
  4. Ascocentrum miniatum - The Rust Red Ascocentrum
  5. Ascocentrum pumilum - The Small Flowered Ascocentrum
  1. Barkeria barkeriola - Barker's Barkeria
  2. Barkeria lindleyana - Lindley's Barkeria
  3. Barkeria obovata - Obovate Barkeria
  4. Barkeria scandens - The Scandent Barkeria
  5. Barkeria skinneri - Skinner's Barkeria
  6. Barkeria spectabilis - Showy Barkeria
  7. Barkeria uniflora - Single-Flowered Barkeria

  1. Benzingia hirtzii - Hirtz's Benzingia
  1. Bifrenaria atropurpurea - The Black-Purple Bifrenaria
  2. Bifrenaria charlesworthii - Charlesworth's Bifrenaria
  3. Bifrenaria harrisoniae - Harrison's Bifrenaria
  4. Bifrenaria inodora - The Odorless Bifrenaria
  5. Bifrenaria tetragona - The Rectangular Bulbed Bifrenaria
  1. Bletilla striata - The Striped Bletilla - Hyacinth Orchid - Chinese Ground Orchid
  1. Brachtia andina - The Andean Brachtia
  1. Brasiliorchis schunkeana - Schunke's Brasiliorchis
  1. Brassocattleya Binosa - Brassavola hybrid - Cattleya hybrid
  2. Brassavola Little Stars
  3. Brassavola nodosa - The Knobby Brassavola - Lady of the Night
  4. Brassavola tuberculata - Rough Brassavola - Tuberculated Brassavola
  1. Brassia angusta - The Slim Brassia
  2. Brassia arachnoidea - The Spider-Like Brassia
  3. Brassia arcuigera - The Arching Brassia
  4. Brassia aurantiaca - The Red-Orange Brassia
  5. Brassia bidens - The Two-Toothed Brassia
  6. Brassia caudata - The Tailed Brassia
  7. Brassia chloroleuca - The Green and White Brassia
  8. Brassia cochleata - The Ear-Like Brassia
  9. Brassavola cucullata - Hooded Brassavola
  10. Brassia gireoudiana - Gireoud's Brassia
  11. Brassia jipijapensis - The Jipijapa Brassia
  12. Brassia lanceana - Lance's Brassia
  13. Brassia maculata - The Spotted Brassia
  14. Brassia neglecta - The Over-Looked Brassia
  15. Brassia pumila - The Dwarf Brassia
  16. Brassia Rex - Brassia hybrid
  17. Brassia signata - The Marked Brassia
  18. Brassia thyrsodes - The Pine-Cone Like Brassia
  19. Brassia verrucosa - The Warty Brassia
  20. Brassia wageneri - Wagner's Brassia
  21. Brassia warszewiczii - Warszewicz's Brassia
  1. Bryobium eriaeoides - The Brittle Urchin Orchid - The Eria-Like Bryobium
  1. Bulbophyllum agastor - The Near Kinsman Bulbophyllum
  2. Bulbophyllum ambrosia - The Sweet-Smelling Bulbophyllum
  3. Bulbophyllum anceps - The Double Edged Bulbophyllum
  4. Bulbophyllum arfakianum - Arfak Mountain Bulbophyllum
  5. Bulbophyllum auratum - The Golden Bulbophyllum
  6. Bulbophyllum barbigerum - The Bearded Bulbophyllum
  7. Bulbophyllum beccarii - Beccari's Bulbophyllum
  8. Bulbophyllum bicolor - The Two Colored Bulbophyllum
  9. Bulbophyllum carunculatum - The Caruncule Bulbophyllum
  10. Bulbophyllum corolliferum - The Wreath Carrying Cirrhopetalum
  11. Bulbophyllum dentiferum - The Toothed Bulbophyllum
  12. Bulbophyllum echinolabium - The Bulbophyllum with the Hedge-Hog Shaped Lip
  13. Bulbophyllum elongatum - The Elongated Bulbophyllum
  14. Bulbophyllum ericssonii - The Ericsson's Bulbophyllum
  15. Bulbophyllum falcatum - Sickle-Shaped Leaf Bulbophyllum
  16. Bulbophyllum fletcherianum - Fletcher's Bulbophyllum
  17. Bulbophyllum frostii - Frost's Bulbophyllum
  18. Bulbophyllum gracillimum - The Graceful Bulbophyllum
  19. Bulbophyllum graveolens - The Very Fragrant Bulbophyllum
  20. Bulbophyllum guttulatum - The Small Spotted Bulbophyllum
  21. Bulbophyllum hainanense - The Spherical Bulbophyllum
  22. Bulbophyllum kubahense - The Kubah National Park Bulbophyllum
  23. Bulbophyllum lasiochilum - The Shaggy Lipped Bulbophyllum
  24. Bulbophyllum levanae - Levan's Bulbophyllum
  25. Bulbophyllum lobbii - Lobb's Bulbophyllum
  26. Bulbophyllum longiflorum - The Long Flowered Bulbophyllum - The Pale Umbrella Orchid
  27. Bulbophyllum medusae - Medusa's Bulbophyllum
  28. Bulbophyllum micranthum - The Small Flowered Bulbophyllum
  29. Bulbophyllum mirum - The Enchanting Bulbophyllum
  30. Bulbophyllum makoyanum - Makoy's Cirrhopetalum
  31. Bulbophyllum ornatissimum - The Ornate Bulbophyllum
  32. Bulbophyllum parviflorum - The Small Flowered Bulbophyllum
  33. Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis - Phalaenopsis gigantea-like Bulbophyllum
  34. Bulbophyllum picturatum - The Striking Bulbophyllum
  35. Bulbophyllum putidum - The Stinking Bulbophyllum
  36. Bulbophyllum restrepia - The Restrepia-Like Bulbophyllum
  37. Bulbophyllum rothschildianum - Rothschild's Bulbophyylum
  38. Bulbophyllum setaceum - The Bristly Bulbophyllum
  39. Bulbophyllum sikkimense - The Sikkim Bulbophyllum
  40. Bulbophyllum speciosum - The Outstanding Bulbophyllum
  1. Cadetia chionantha - The Snow White Cadetia
  2. Cadetia taylori - Taylor's Cadetia - The Smooth Burr Orchid
  1. Calanthe alismifolia - Water-Plaintain Like Leaf Calanthe
  2. Calanthe arcuata - Arched Inflorescence Calanthe
  3. Calanthe argenteostriata - Silvery Striped Calanthe
  4. Calanthe arisanensis - Alishan Mountain Calanthe
  5. Calanthe aristulifera - Small Spike Calanthe
  6. Calanthe clavata - Short Spurred Calanthe
  7. Calanthe davidii - David's Calanthe
  8. Calanthe densiflora - Densely Flowered Calanthe
  9. Calanthe discolor - Different Colored Calanthe
  10. Calanthe graciliflora - Graceful Flowered Calanthe
  11. Calanthe lyroglossa - Lute-Shaped Lip Calanthe
  12. Calanthe nipponica - Japanese Calanthe
  13. Calanthe plantaginea - Plantago-Like Calanthe
  14. Calanthe puberula - Hairy Calanthe
  15. Calanthe rosea - Pink Calanthe
  16. Calanthe rubens - The Reddish Calanthe
  17. Calanthe speciosa -  Splendid Calanthe
  18. Calanthe striata - Striped Calanthe
  19. Calanthe sylvatica - Forest-Dwelling Calanthe
  20. Calanthe triplicata - The Thrice Folded Calanthe - The Christmas Orchid
  21. Calanthe vestita - The Calanthe that is Surrounded by Bracts
  1. Capanemia uliginosa - The Swamp Dwelling Capanemia
  1. Catasetum albovirens - The White and Green Catasetum
  2. Catasetum arietinum - The Ram's Horn Catasetum
  3. Catasetum aripuanense - The Aripuana Catasetum
  4. Catasetum ariquemense - The Ariquemes Catasetum
  5. Catasetum atratum - The Lustrous Black Catasetum
  6. Catasetum barbatum - The Bearded Catasetum
  7. Catasetum bicolor - The Two Colored Catasetum
  8. Catasetum callosum - The Callous Catasetum
  9. Catasetum carolinianum - The Carolina Catasetum
  10. Catasetum cernuum - The Nodding Catasetum
  11. Catasetum complanatum - The Flattened Out Catasetum
  12. Catasetum confusum - The Confused Catasetum
  13. Catasetum cristatum - The Comb-Like Catasetum
  14. Catasetum denticulatum - The Small-Toothed Catasetum
  15. Catasetum discolor - The Differently Colored Catasetum
  16. Catasetum expansum - The Expansive Catasetum
  17. Catasetum fimbriatum - The Fringed Catasetum
  18. Catasetum fuchsii - Fuchs Catasetum
  19. Catasetum galeritum - The Small Cap Catasetum
  20. Catasetum gardneri - Gardner's Catasetum
  21. Catasetum garnetianum - Garnet's Catasetum
  22. Catasetum gnomus - The Gnome-Like Catasetum
  23. Catasetum hookeri - Hooker's Catasetum
  24. Catasetum incurvum - The Bent Catasetum
  25. Catasetum integerrimum - The Intact Catasetum
  26. Catasetum juruenense - The Rio Juruena Catasetum
  27. Catasetum kleberianum - Kleber's Catasetum
  28. Catasetum laminatum - The Scaled Catasetum
  29. Catasetum longifolium - The Long Leafed Catasetum
  30. Catasetum luridum - The Pale Yellow Catasetum
  31. Catasetum macrocarpum - Monk's Head Orchid - Large-Fruited Catasetum
  32. Catasetum macroglossum - The Large-Lipped Catasetum
  33. Catasetum maculatum - The Spotted Catasetum
  34. Catasetum multifidum - The Cleft Into Many Parts Catasetum
  35. Catasetum napoense - The Napo Catasetum
  36. Catasetum naso - The Nose Catasetum
  37. Catasetum ochraceum - The Ochre-Yellow Catasetum
  38. Catasetum osculatum - Osculum Catasetum
  39. Catasetum parguazense - The Parguaza River Catasetum
  40. Catasetum pendulum - The Pendant Catasetum
  41. Catasetum planiceps - The Smooth Head Catasetum
  42. Catasetum pileatum - The Felt-Capped Catasetum
  43. Catasetum pulchrum - The Beautiful Catasetum
  44. Catasetum punctatum - The Spotted Catasetum
  45. Catasetum purum - The One-Colored Catasetum
  46. Catasetum rodigasianum - Rodigas' Catasetum
  47. Catasetum rolfeanum - Rolfe's Catasetum
  48. Catasetum rooseveltianum - Roosevelt's Catasetum
  49. Catasetum saccatum - The Sack-Shaped Catasetum
  50. Catasetum sanguineum - The Red Catasetum
  51. Catasetum schmidtianum - Schmidt's Catasetum
  52. Catasetum semicirculatum - The Semi-Circular Catasetum
  53. Catasetum socco - The Scooped Catasetum
  54. Catasetum spitzii - Spitz's Catasetum
  55. Catasetum tabulare - The Table-Like Catasetum
  56. Catasetum tenebrosum - The Dark-Brown Catasetum
  57. Catasetum tigrinum - The Tiger Striped Catasetum
  58. Catasetum triodon - The Three Clawed Catasetum
  59. Catasetum uncatum - The Curved Inward Catasetum
  60. Catasetum vinaceum - The Wine Red Catasetum
  61. Catasetum viridiflavum - The Green Yellow Catasetum
  1. Cattleya aclandiae - Lady Ackland's Cattleya
  2. Cattleya acuensis - Acu Cattleya
  3. Cattleya alaorii - Alaori's Cattleya
  4. Cattleya amethystoglossa - The Amethyst Lipped Cattleya
  5. Cattleya araguaiensis - The Araguaia Cattleya
  6. Cattleya bicolor - Bicolored Cattleya
  7. Cattleya bradei - Brade's Cattleya
  8. Cattleya briegeri - Brieger's Cattleya
  9. Cattleya cernua - The Nodding Sophronitis
  10. Cattleya candida - The Beautiful Cattleya
  11. Cattleya Cariad's Mini-Quinee - Laeliocattleya Cariad's Mini-Quinee - Cattleya hybrid
  12. Cattleya × dolosa - Dolose Cattleya - The Crafty Cattleya - The Deceitful Cattleya
  13. Cattleya dormaniana - Dorman's Cattleya
  14. Cattleya dowiana - Dow's Cattleya
  15. Cattleya elongata - Elongated Stalk Cattleya
  16. Cattleya forbesii - Forbes' Cattleya
  17. Cattleya gaskelliana - Gaskell's Cattleya
  18. Cattleya granulosa - Granulose Cattleya
  19. Cattleya guttata - The Spotted Cattleya
  20. Cattleya hardyana - Hardy's Cattleya
  21. Cattleya harrisoniana - Harrison's Cattleya
  22. Cattleya iricolor - Rainbow-colored Cattleya
  23. Cattleya intermedia - The intermediate Cattleya
  24. Cattleya jenmanii - Jenman's Cattleya
  25. Cattleya labiata - Crimson Cattleya - Ruby-lipped Cattleya
  26. Cattleya lawrenceana - Sir Trevor Lawrence's Cattleya
  27. Cattleya liliputana - The Dwarf Cattleya
  28. Cattleya loddigesii - Loddiges' Cattleya
  29. Cattleya lueddemanniana - Lueddemann's Cattleya
  30. Cattleya luteola - Pale Yellow Cattleya
  31. Cattleya maxima - The Greatest Cattleya - Christmas Flower
  32. Cattleya Memoria Robert Strait -Laeliacattleya Memoria Robert Strait - Cattleya hybrid
  33. Cattleya mendelii - Mendel's Cattleya
  34. Cattleya mossiae - Mrs. Moss' Cattleya - Easter Cattleya
  35. Cattleya nobilior - The Noble Cattleya
  36. Cattleya percivaliana - Percival's Cattleya - Christmas Cattleya
  37. Cattleya porphyroglossa - Purple Lipped Cattleya
  38. Cattleya pumila - The Dwarf Cattleya
  39. Cattleya quadricolor - Beautiful Cattleya
  40. Cattleya rex - King of the Cattleyas
  41. Cattleya schilleriana - Consul Schiller's Cattleya
  42. Cattleya schofieldiana - Schofield's Cattleya
  43. Cattleya schroederae - Easter orchid
  44. Cattleya tenebrosa - The Dark Cattleya
  45. Cattleya tenuis - Slender Stemmed Cattleya
  46. Cattleya tigrina - Tiger Striped Cattleya
  47. Cattleya trianae - Dr. Triana's Cattleya - Christmas orchid
  48. Cattleya velutina - Velvety Cattleya
  49. Cattleya violacea - Violet Cattleya
  50. Cattleya walkeriana - Walker's Cattleya
  51. Cattleya wallisii - Wallis' Cattleya - Cattleya of the Golden Land
  52. Cattleya warscewiczii - Warscewicz's Cattleya
  53. Epicatanthe Don Herman - Cattleya hybrid
  54. Jackfowlieara Appleblossom - Iwanagaara Appleblossom - Cattleya hybrid
  55. Rhyncattleanthe Burana Beauty - Potinara Burana Beauty - Cattleya hybrid
  56. Rhyncattleanthe Momilani Rainbow - Brassolaeliocattleya Momilani Rainbow - Cattleya hybrid
  1. Ceratocentron fesselii - Fessel's Ceratocentron
  1. Ceratostylis philippinensis - The Philippine Ceratostylis
  2. Ceratostylis retisquama
  1. Chiloschista lunifera - The Moon Chiloschista
  2. Chiloschista pusilla - The Small Flowered Chiloschista
  3. Chiloschista trudelii - Trudel's Chiloschista
  4. Chiloschista usneoides - Lichen-Like Chiloschista
  1. Chondroscaphe amabilis - The Enchanting Chondroscaphe
  2. Chondroscaphe bicolor - The Two-Colored Chondrorhyncha
  3. Chondroscaphe eburnea - The Ivory-Colored Chondroscaphe
  1. Chysis aurea - The Golden Chysis
  2. Chysis bractescens - The Bracteate Chysis
  1. Cirrhaea fuscolutea - The Deep Yellow Cirrhaea
  1. Cischweinfia dasyandra - The Hirsute Pollina Cischweinfia
  1. Clowesia rosea - The Rose-colored Clowesia
  1. Cochlioda rosea - The Rose Colored Cochlioda
  2. Cochlioda vulcanica - The Volcano Cochlioda
  1. Coelia bella - The Beautiful Coelia
  1. Coelogyne asperata
  2. Coelogyne barbata - The Bearded Coelogyne
  3. Coelogyne beccarii - Becarri's Coelogyne
  4. Coelogyne brachyptera - The Short-Winged Coelogyne - The Greenish Coelogyne
  5. Coelogyne corymbosa - The Umbrella-Like Coelogyne
  6. Coelogyne cristata - The Crested Coelogyne
  7. Coelogyne fimbriata - The Fringed Coelogyne
  8. Coelogyne flaccida - The Loose Coelogyne
  9. Coelogyne fuscescens - The Ocher Yellow Coelogyne
  10. Coelogyne glandulosa - The Coelogyne With Glands
  11. Coelogyne lactea - The Milk White Coelogyne
  12. Coelogyne lawrenceana - Lawrence's Coelogyne
  13. Coelogyne lentiginosa - The Freckled Coelogne
  14. Coelogyne mayeriana - Mayer's Coelogyne
  15. Coelogyne mooreana - Moore's Coelogyne
  16. Coelogyne mossiae - Mrs. Moss' Coelogyne
  17. Coelogyne nervosa - The Nerved Coelogyne
  18. Coelogyne nitida - The Shining Coelogyne
  19. Coelogyne odoratissima - The Fragrant Coelogyne
  20. Coelogyne ovalis - The Oval Coelogyne
  21. Coelogyne pandurata - The Lute-Shaped Coelogyne
  22. Coelogyne parishii - Parrish's Coelogyne
  23. Coelogyne peltastes - The Sheild Shaped Coelogyne
  24. Coelogyne prasina - The Leek Green Coelogyne
  25. Coelogyne pulverula - The Powdery Flower Coelogyne
  26. Coelogyne rochussenii - Rochussen's Coelogyne
  27. Coelogyne sanderiana - Sander's Coelogyne
  28. Coelogyne schilleriana - Schiller's Coelogyne
  29. Coelogyne speciosa - The Beautiful Coelogyne
  30. Coelogyne stricta - The Rigid Coelogyne
  31. Coelogyne sulcata - The Sulcate Coelogyne
  32. Coelogyne tomentosa - The Necklace Orchid - The Hairy Coelogyne
  33. Coelogyne usitana - Usita's Coelogyne
  34. Coelogyne viscosa - The Sticky Coelogyne
  1. Coilostylis parkinsoniana - Parkinson's Coilostylis
  1. Comparettia falcata - The Sickle-Shaped Comparettia
  2. Comparettia speciosa - The Beautiful Comparettia
  1. Coryanthes macrantha - The Bucket Orchid - Monkey Throat Orchid
  2. Coryanthes speciosa - The Outstanding Coryanthes
  1. Cuitlauzina pendula - The Pendant Cuitlauzina
  2. Cuitlauzina pulchella - The Beautiful Cuitlauzina
  1. Cycnoches chlorochilon - The Green-Lipped Cycnoches
  2. Cycnoches cooperi - Cooper's Cycnoches
  3. Cycnoches egertonianum - Egerton's Cycnoches
  4. Cycnoches loddigesii - Loddiges' Cycnoches
  5. Cycnodes Miva Piel de Sapo - Cycnoches hybrid
  6. Cycnoches peruvianum - The Peruvian Cycnoches
  7. Cycnodes Wine Delight - Cycnoches hybrid
  1. Cymbidiella pardalina - The Red-Lipped Cymbidiella
  1. Cymbidium acuminatum - The Acuminate Cymbidium
  2. Cymbidium aliciae - Alicia's Cymbidium
  3. Cymbidium aloifolium - The aloe-leafed cymbidium
  4. Cymbidium atropurpureum - The Black Purple Cymbidium
  5. Cymbidium banaense - The Bana Cymbidium
  6. Cymbidium bicolor - The Two-Colored Cymbidium
  7. Cymbidium borneense - The Borneo Cymbidium
  8. Cymbidium canaliculatum - The Channeled Boat-Lip Orchid
  9. Cymbidium changningense - The Chang Ning Cymbidium
  10. Cymbidium chloranthum - The Green Flowered Cymbidium
  11. Cymbidium cochleare - The Spoon-Shaped Cymbidium
  12. Cymbidium cyperifolium - The Cyperus-Like Leafed Cymbidium
  13. Cymbidium dayanum - Day's Cymbidium
  14. Cymbidium devonianum - Devon's Cymbidium
  15. Cymbidium eburneum - The Ivory-Colored Cymbidium
  16. Cymbidium elegans - The Elegant Cymbidium
  17. Cymbidium elongatum - The Elongate Cymbidium
  18. Cymbidium ensifolium - The four-season orchid
  19. Cymbidium erythraeum - The Red-Spotted Lip Cymbidium
  20. Cymbidium erythrostylum - The Red Column Cymbidium
  21. Cymbidium faberi - Faber's Cymbidium
  22. Cymbidium finlaysonianum - Finlayson's Cymbidium
  23. Cymbidium floribundum - The yellow margin orchid
  24. Cymbidium gammieanum - Gammie's Cymbidiumm
  25. Cymbidium goeringii - The noble orchid
  26. Cymbidium haematodes - The Blood Red Cymbidium
  27. Cymbidium hookerianum - Hooker's Cymbidium
  28. Cymbidium insigne - The Splendid Cymbidium
  29. Cymbidium iridioides - The iris-like cymbidium
  30. Cymbidium kanran - The Cold Growing Cymbidium
  31. Cymbidium lancifolium - The Lance-Leafed Cymbidium
  32. Cymbidium lowianum - Low's boat orchid
  33. Cymbidium macrorhizon - The Long Rhizome Cymbidium
  34. Cymbidium madidum - The giant boat-lip orchid
  35. Cymbidium mastersii - Master's Cymbidium
  36. Cymbidium omeiense - The Omei-Shan Cymbidium
  37. Cymbidium qiubeiense - The Qiubei Xian Cymbidium
  38. Cymbidium rectum - The Erect Cymbidium
  39. Cymbidium repens - The Repent Cymbidium
  40. Cymbidium roseum - The Rose-Colored Cymbidium
  41. Cymbidium schroederi - Schroeder's Cymbidium
  42. Cymbidium serratum - The Serrate Cymbidium
  43. Cymbidium Sessa Green Beauty - Cymbidium hybrid
  44. Cymbidium sichuanicum - The Sichuan Cymbidium
  45. Cymbidium sinense - The Chinese Cymbidium
  46. Cymbidium suave - Snake orchid - Grassy boat-lip orchid
  47. Cymbidium suavissimum - The Softest Cymbidium
  48. Cymbidium tigrinum - Tiger Striped Cymbidium
  49. Cymbidium tortisepalum - The Twisted Sepal Cymbidium
  50. Cymbidium tracyanum - Tracy's Cymbidium
  51. Cymbidium wenshanense - The Wenshan Cymbidium
  52. Cymbidium wilsonii - Wilson's Cymbidium
  1. Cypripedium acaule - Moccasin Flower - The Pink Ladies Slipper
  2. Cypripedium calceolus - The Limestone Loving Cypripedium
  3. Cypripedium californicum - California Lady's Slipper
  4. Cypripedium candidum - Small White Lady's Slipper
  5. Cypripedium flavum - The Yellow Cypripedium
  6. Cypripedium formosanum - The Beautiful Cypripedium
  7. Cypripedium kentuckiense - Kentucky lady's slipper - Southern lady's slipper
  8. Cypripedium macranthos - The Large Flowered Cypripedium
  9. Cypripedium micranthum - The Small Flowered Cypripedium
  10. Cypripedium montanum - Large lady's slipper - Mountain lady's slipper - White lady's slipper
  11. Cypripedium parviflorum - Yellow lady's slipper - Moccasin flower
  12. Cypripedium reginae - Showy Lady's-slipper
  13. Cypripedium x ventricosum - The Inflated Cypripedium
  1. Cyrtochiloides ochmatochila - Bridle-Like Lip Cyrtochiloides
  1. Cyrtochilum angustatum - The Narrow Petaled Cyrtochilum
  2. Cyrtochilum ramosissimum - The Many Branched Cyrtochilum
  1. Cyrtorchis arcuata - The Bow-Shaped Raceme Cyrtorchis
  2. Cyrtorchis praetermissa - The Overlooked Cyrtorchis

  1. Dendrobium aberrans - The Deviating Dendrobium
  2. Dendrobium acinaciforme - The Saber-Shaped Dendrobium
  3. Dendrobium adae - Ada's Dendrobium
  4. Dendrobium aduncum - The Inward-Bent Dendrobium
  5. Dendrobium aemulum - The Similar-Looking Dendrobium - The ironbark feather orchid - White feather orchid
  6. Dendrobium affine - The Similar Dendrobium - The white butterfly orchid
  7. Dendrobium agrostophyllum - The Grassy Leafed Dendrobium - The Buttercup Orchid
  8. Dendrobium alaticaulinum - The Winged-Stem Dendrobium
  9. Dendrobium albosanguineum - The White and Blood-Red Dendrobium
  10. Dendrobium alexandrae - Alexandra's Dendrobium
  11. Dendrobium amabile - The Enchanting Dendrobium
  12. Dendrobium amboinense - The Amboin Island Dendrobium
  13. Dendrobium amethystoglossum - Amythest Colored Dendrobium
  14. Dendrobium amoenum - The Lovely Dendrobium
  15. Dendrobium anceps - The Double-Edged Dendrobium
  16. Dendrobium anosmum - Unscented Dendrobium
  17. Dendrobium antennatum - The Antennae Dendrobium - The Green Antelope Orchid
  18. Dendrobium aphanochilum - The Insignificant Lipped Dendrobium
  19. Dendrobium aphrodite - The Beautiful Dendrobium
  20. Dendrobium aphyllum - Leafless Dendrobium
  21. Dendrobium aqueum - The white Dendrobium
  22. Dendrobium arcuatum - The Plow Shaped Dendrobium
  23. Dendrobium atroviolaceum - The Black Blood-Red Dendrobium
  24. Dendrobium auriculatum - The Eared Dendrobium
  25. Dendrobium baileyi - Bailey's Dendrobium
  26. Dendrobium barbatulum - The Small-Bearded Dendrobium
  27. Dendrobium bellatulum - The Enchanting Dendrobium
  28. Dendrobium bensoniae - Benson's Dendrobium
  29. Dendrobium bicaudatum - The Two-Tailed Dendrobium
  30. Dendrobium bigibbum - The Mauve Butterfly Orchid - The Cooktown Orchid
  31. Dendrobium bracteosum - The Bracted Dendrobium
  32. Dendrobium brassii - Brass's Dendrobium
  33. Dendrobium brymerianum - The Brymer's Dendrobium
  34. Dendrobium bullenianum - Bullen's Dendrobium
  35. Dendrobium canaliculatum - The Grooved Leaf Dendrobium - The Brown Tea Tree Orchid
  36. Dendrobium capillipes - The Hairy Column Foot Dendrobium
  37. Dendrobium capituliflorum - White Bottle-Brush Orchid - Small-Headed Flower Dendrobium
  38. Dendrobium capra - The Goat-Like Dendrobium
  39. Dendrobium cariniferum - The Keel-Carrying Dendrobium
  40. Dendrobium catenatum - The Chained Dendrobium
  41. Dendrobium ceraula - The Horned Dendrobium
  42. Dendrobium chameleon - The Chameleon Dendrobium
  43. Dendrobium christyanum - Christy's Dendrobium
  44. Dendrobium chrysanthum - Golden Yellow Flowered
  45. Dendrobium chrysocrepis - The Golden Slipper Dendrobium
  46. Dendrobium chrysotoxum - The Golden Bow Dendrobium - Fried-egg Orchid
  47. Dendrobium cinnabarinum - The Vermillion Dendrobium
  48. Dendrobium cochliodes - The Shell-Like Dendrobium
  49. Dendrobium convolutum - The Convoluted Dendrobium
  50. Dendrobium crepidatum - The Shoe-Lip Dendrobium
  51. Dendrobium crispilinguum - The Curled Lip Dendrobium
  52. Dendrobium crumenatum - The Pigeon Orchid - The Bag-Shaped Dendrobium
  53. Dendrobium crystallinum - The Shiny Crystal Dendrobium
  54. Dendrobium cuthbertsonii - Cuthbertson's Dendrobium
  55. Dendrobium cyanocentrum - The Black-Blue Spurred Dendrobium
  56. Dendrobium dearei - Deare's Dendrobium
  57. Dendrobium delicatum - The Delicate Dendrobium
  58. Dendrobium densiflorum - Pineapple orchid
  59. Dendrobium denudans - The Bare Dendrobium
  60. Dendrobium devonianum - Devon's Dendrobium
  61. Dendrobium dichaeoides - The Dichaea-like Dendrobium
  62. Dendrobium dickasonii - Dickason's Dendrobium
  63. Dendrobium discolor - The Antler Orchid - The 2 Different Color Dendrobium
  64. Dendrobium dixanthum - The Twice Yellow Dendrobium
  65. Dendrobium dixonianum - Dixon's Dendrobium
  66. Dendrobium draconis - The Dragon-Like Dendrobium
  67. Dendrobium ellipsophyllum - The Oval-Leafed Dendrobium
  68. Dendrobium eriiflorum - The Eria-Like Flowered Dendrobium
  69. Dendrobium eximium - The Extraordinary Dendrobium
  70. Dendrobium faciferum - The All Facing Dendrobium
  71. Dendrobium falconeri - Falconer's Dendrobium
  72. Dendrobium falcorostrum - The Falcon's Beak Dendrobium - The Beech Orchid
  73. Dendrobium farmeri - Farmer's Dendrobium
  74. Dendrobium fellowsii - Fellows' Dendrobium
  75. Dendrobium fimbriatum - The Fringe-Lipped Dendrobium
  76. Dendrobium findlayanum - Findlay's Dendrobium
  77. Dendrobium fleckeri - Flecker's Dendrobium
  78. Dendrobium formosum - The Beautiful Giant-Flowered Dendrobium
  79. Dendrobium foxii - Fox's Dendrobium
  80. Dendrobium friedericksianum - Friederick's Dendrobium
  81. Dendrobium fytchianum - Fytch's Dendrobium
  82. Dendrobium gibsonii - Gibson's Dendrobium
  83. Dendrobium glomeratum - The Ball Dendrobium
  84. Dendrobium goldschmidtianum - Goldschmidt's Dendrobium
  85. Dendrobium gracilicaule - The Delicate Stems Dendrobium
  86. Dendrobium gracillimum - The Graceful Dendrobium
  87. Dendrobium gratiosissimum - The Very Graceful Dendrobium
  88. Dendrobium gregulus - The Crowded Dendrobium
  89. Dendrobium griffithianum - Griffith's Dendrobium
  90. Dendrobium hamatum - The Hook-Shaped Dendrobium
  91. Dendrobium hancockii - Hancock's Dendrobium
  92. Dendrobium harveyanum - Harvey's Dendrobium
  93. Dendrobium hasseltii - Hasselt's Dendrobium
  94. Dendrobium hellwigianum - Hellwig's Dendrobium
  95. Dendrobium hemimelanoglossum - The Half-Black Lip Dendrobium
  96. Dendrobium henryi - Henry's Dendrobium
  97. Dendrobium hercoglossum - The Rampart Lip Dendrobium
  98. Dendrobium heterocarpum - The Different Fruit Dendrobium
  99. Dendrobium Himezakura - Dendrobium hybrid
  100. Dendrobium hodgkinsonii - Hodgkinson’s Dendrobium
  101. Dendrobium hookerianum - Hooker's Dendrobium
  102. Dendrobium hymenanthum - The Membranous Dendrobium
  103. Dendrobium infundibulum - The Small-Funneled Lip Dendrobium
  104. Dendrobium insigne - The Splendid Dendrobium - The Mangrove Tartan Orchid
  105. Dendrobium intricatum - The Intricate Dendrobium
  106. Dendrobium involutum - The Rolled Inwards Dendrobium
  107. Dendrobium jacobsonii - Jacobson's Dendrobium
  108. Dendrobium jenkinsii - Jenkins's Dendrobium
  109. Dendrobium johannis - Johan's Dendrobium - The Chocolate Tea Tree Orchid
  110. Dendrobium johnsoniae - Johnson's Dendrobium
  111. Dendrobium jonesii - Jones' Dendrobium - The Oak Orchid
  112. Dendrobium kanburiense - The Kanburi Dendrobium
  113. Dendrobium kingianum - Captain King's Dendrobium - Pink Rock Orchid
  114. Dendrobium lacteum - The Milk-White Dendrobium
  115. Dendrobium laevifolium - The Shiny Leafed Dendrobium
  116. Dendrobium lambii - Lamb’s Dendrobium
  117. Dendrobium lamellatum - The Laminae Dendrobium
  118. Dendrobium lampongense - The Lampong Dendrobium
  119. Dendrobium lawesii - Lawes' Dendrobium
  120. Dendrobium leonis - The Lion-Like Dendrobium
  121. Dendrobium linawianum - Linawi's Dendrobium
  122. Dendrobium lindleyi - Lindley's Dendrobium
  123. Dendrobium lineale - Karkar Island Pink - Jawani Island Yellow - Kui Island Blue - Morobe Shower
  124. Dendrobium linearifolium - The Linear Leafed Dendrobium
  125. Dendrobium lituiflorum - The Bent-Raceme Dendrobium
  126. Dendrobium loddigesii - Loddiges' Dendrobium
  127. Dendrobium longicornu - The Long-Horned Dendrobium
  128. Dendrobium lowii - Low's Dendrobium
  129. Dendrobium luteolum - The White and Yellow Dendrobium
  130. Dendrobium maccarthiae - Mrs. Maccarthy's Dendrobium
  131. Dendrobium macranthum - The Large Flowered Dendrobium
  132. Dendrobium macrophyllum - The Large-Leafed Dendrobium - The Pastor's Orchid
  133. Dendrobium macrostachyum - The Large Inflorescence Dendrobium - The fringed tree orchid
  134. Dendrobium malvicolor - The Mallow-Colored Dendrobium
  135. Dendrobium microbulbon - The Reflexed Petal Dendrobium
  136. Dendrobium miyakei - Miyasaki's Dendrobium
  137. Dendrobium mohlianum - Mohl's Dendrobium
  138. Dendrobium moniliforme - The Necklace-Shaped Dendrobium
  139. Dendrobium monophyllum - The Single Leafed Dendrobium - The Lily of the Valley Orchid
  140. Dendrobium montis-yulei - The Terrestrial Dendrobium
  141. Dendrobium moorei - Moore's Dendrobium - Drooping Cane Orchid
  142. Dendrobium mortii - Mort's Dendrobium - The Slender Pencil Orchid
  143. Dendrobium moschatum - The Musky Smelling Dendrobium
  144. Dendrobium mutabile - The Variable Dendrobium
  145. Dendrobium nathanielis - Nathaniel's Dendrobium
  146. Dendrobium nindii - Nind's Dendrobium - The Blue Antler Orchid
  147. Dendrobium nobile - The Noble Dendrobium
  148. Dendrobium ochraceum - The Ochre-Colored Dendrobium
  149. Dendrobium oligophyllum - The Few Leafed Dendrobium
  150. Dendrobium ovatum - Green Lipped Dendrobium
  151. Dendrobium pachyphyllum - The Thick-Leaved Dendrobium
  152. Dendrobium palpebrae - The Brow-Like Dendrobium
  153. Dendrobium panduriferum - The Lute-Shaped Lip Dendrobium
  154. Dendrobium papilio - The Eared Dendrobium
  155. Dendrobium parishii - Parish's Dendrobium
  156. Dendrobium parthenium - The Virginal Dendrobium
  157. Dendrobium parvulum - The Small Flowered Dendrobium
  158. Dendrobium peguanum - The Pegu Dendrobium
  159. Dendrobium pendulum - The Pendant Growing Dendrobium
  160. Dendrobium platygastrium -The Broad-Bellied Dendrobium
  161. Dendrobium polyanthum - The Many Flowered Dendrobium
  162. Dendrobium polysema - The Many-Spotted Dendrobium
  163. Dendrobium primulinum - The Primrose Yellow Dendrobium
  164. Dendrobium pugioniforme - The dagger orchid
  165. Dendrobium pulchellum - The Charming Dendrobium
  166. Dendrobium purpureum - The Purple Dendrobium
  167. Dendrobium revolutum - The Rolled Back Dendrobium
  168. Dendrobium rhodostictum - The Red-Spotted Dendrobium
  169. Dendrobium salaccense - The Salakka Dendrobium
  170. Dendrobium sanderae - Mrs. Sander's Dendrobium
  171. Dendrobium sanguinolentum - The Blood-Stained Dendrobium
  172. Dendrobium scabrilingue - The Rough-Lipped Dendrobium
  173. Dendrobium schneiderae - Mrs. Schneider's Dendrobium - The Small Moon Orchid - The Eungella moon orchid
  174. Dendrobium schuetzei - Schuetze's Dendrobium
  175. Dendrobium scoriarum
  176. Dendrobium secundum - Toothbrush orchid
  177. Dendrobium senile - The White Haired Dendrobium - Old Man Orchid
  178. Dendrobium signatum - The Marked Dendrobium
  179. Dendrobium sinominutiflorum - The Chinese Minute Flowered Dendrobium
  180. Dendrobium smillieae - Smillie's Dendrobium
  181. Dendrobium speciosum - The Outstanding Dendrobium - Sydney Rock Orchid - Rock Lily
  182. Dendrobium spectabile - The Grand Dendrobium
  183. Dendrobium Stardust - Dendrobium hybrid
  184. Dendrobium stratiotes - The Stalwart Dendrobium
  185. Dendrobium strebloceras - The Twisted Horn Dendrobium
  186. Dendrobium striolatum - The streaked rock orchid
  187. Dendrobium strongylanthum - The Bulging Flower Dendrobium
  188. Dendrobium subacaule - The Almost Stemless Dendrobium
  189. Dendrobium subuliferum - The Awl Shaped Dendrobium
  190. Dendrobium sulcatum - The Furrowed Lip Dendrobium
  191. Dendrobium superbiens - The Really Nice Dendrobium
  192. Dendrobium taurinum - The Bull Headed Dendrobium
  193. Dendrobium teretifolium - The thin pencil orchid - Rat's tail orchid - Bridal veil orchid
  194. Dendrobium tetragonum - The Rectangular-Bulbed Dendrobium
  195. Dendrobium thyrsiflorum - Pinecone-like Raceme Dendrobium
  196. Dendrobium tobaense - The Toba Dendrobium
  197. Dendrobium tokai - The Toka Dendrobium
  198. Dendrobium tortile - The Twisted Dendrobium
  199. Dendrobium transparens - The Translucent Dendrobium
  200. Dendrobium treubii - Treub's Dendrobium
  201. Dendrobium umbonatum - The Rounded Projection Dendrobium
  202. Dendrobium unicum - The Unique Dendrobium
  203. Dendrobium uniflorum - Single Flowered Dendrobium
  204. Dendrobium venustum - The Lovely Dendrobium
  205. Dendrobium vexillarius - The Flag-Carrying Dendrobium
  206. Dendrobium victoriae-reginae - Queen Victoria's Dendrobium
  207. Dendrobium virgineum - The Virginal White Dendrobium
  208. Dendrobium wardianum - Ward's Dendrobium
  209. Dendrobium wattii - Watt's Dendrobium
  210. Dendrobium williamsianum - Williams' Dendrobium
  211. Dendrobium williamsonii - Williamson's Dendrobium
  212. Dendrobium xanthophlebium - The Yellow Veined Dendrobium
  1. Dendrochilum arachnites - The Spider Dendrochilum
  2. Dendrochilum cobbianum - Cobb's Dendrochilum
  3. Dendrochilum magnum - The Large Dendrochilum
  4. Dendrochilum wenzelii - Wenzel's Dendrochilum
  5. Dendrochilum yuccaefolium - The Yucca-Like Leaf Dendrochilum
  1. Dendrophylax lindenii - Palm Polly - White Frog Orchid - The Ghost Orchid
  1. Diodonopsis erinacea - The Hedgehog Diodonopsis
  2. Diodonopsis hoeijeri - Hoeijer's Diodonopsis
  1. Diplocaulobium chrysotropis - The Golden-Keeled Diplocaulobium
  1. Disa uniflora - The Single Flowered Disa - Red Disa - The pride of Table Mountain
  1. Dockrillia cucumerina - The Cucumber Orchid -The Gherkin Orchid
  2. Dockrillia linguiformis - Tongue-Like Dockrillia - Thumbnail Orchid - Button Orchid
  3. Dockrillia pugioniformis - The Dagger-Shaped Dockrillia
  4. Dockrillia rigida - The Rigid-Leafed Dockrillia - The Smooth Tongue Orchid
  5. Dockrillia schoenina - The Needle-Shaped Dockrillia - Common Pencil Dockrillia
  6. Dockrillia teretifolia - Bridal Veil Orchid - Rats Tail Orchid - The Yellow Pencil Orchid
  7. Dockrillia wassellii - Wassel's Dockrillia - The Furrowed Pencil Orchid
  1. Domingoa purpurea - Purple Domingoa
  1. Dracula bella - The Beautiful Dracula
  2. Dracula benedictii - Benedict's Dracula
  3. Dracula erythrochaete - The Red-Tufted Dracula
  4. Dracula houtteana - Houtte's Dracula
  5. Dracula ligiae - Ligia's Dracula
  6. Dracula lotax - The Clown Dracula
  7. Dracula mopsus - The Pug-Like Dracula
  8. Dracula polyphemus - The Cyclops Dracula
  9. Dracula sodiroi - Father Sodiro's Dracula
  10. Dracula tubeana - The Tubed-Shaped Dracula
  11. Dracula vampira - The Vampire-Like Dracula
  12. Dracula velutina - The Velvety Dracula
  13. Dracula vlad-tepes - Vlad Tepes Dracula
  1. Dryadella cristata - The Crested Dryadella
  2. Dryadella edwallii - Edwall's Dryadella - The Partridge in the Grass Orchid
  3. Dryadella simula - The Pug Nosed Dryadella
  1. Dyakia hendersoniana - Henderson's Dyakia
  1. Embreea rodigasiana - Rodigas' Embreea
  1. Encyclia alata - Winged Encyclia
  2. Encyclia ambigua - Ambiguous Encyclia
  3. Encyclia asperula - Asperulous Encyclia
  4. Encyclia ceratistes - Horned-Columned Encyclia
  5. Encyclia chiapasensis - Chiapas Encyclia
  6. Encyclia chloroleuca - Green and White Encyclia
  7. Encyclia cordigera - Large-lipped Encyclia
  8. Encyclia diota - Two-eared Encyclia
  9. Encyclia dressleri - Dressler's Encyclia
  10. Encyclia flabellata - Fan Shaped Encyclia
  11. Encyclia gravida - Heavy Fruit Butterfly Orchid
  12. Encyclia guatemalensis - Guatemalan Encyclia
  13. Encyclia mooreana - Moore's Encyclia
  14. Encyclia oncidioides - Oncidium-Like Encyclia
  15. Encyclia papillosa - Butterfly Encyclia
  16. Encyclia peraltensis - Peralta Encyclia
  17. Encyclia plicata - Pleated Encyclia
  18. Encyclia polybulbon - The Many Bulbed Encyclia
  19. Encyclia selligera - Saddle-lipped Encyclia
  20. Encyclia stellata - Starry Alanje Encyclia
  21. Encyclia suaveolens - Sweet-Smelling Encyclia
  22. Encyclia tampensis - Florida Butterfly Orchid
  23. Encyclia trachychila - Rough Lip Encyclia
  1. Epidendrum centropetalum - The Spur-Like Gland Epidendrum
  2. Epidendrum cristatum - The Comb Epidendrum
  3. Epidendrum ibaguense - The Ibague' Epidendrum - Crucifix Orchid
  4. Epidendrum ilense - The Ila Epidendrum
  5. Epidendrum marmoratum - The Marbled Epidendrum
  6. Epidendrum medusae - The Medusa Epidendrum
  7. Epidendrum nocturnum - Night Scented Epidendrum
  8. Epidendrum oerstedii - Oersted's Epidendrum
  9. Epidendrum peperomia - The Peperomia-Like Epidendrum
  10. Epidendrum pseudepidendrum - The False Epidendrum
  11. Epidendrum radicans - The Ground Rooting Epidendrum - Fire-star orchid - Rainbow orchid
  12. Epidendrum schlechterianum - Schlechter's Epidendrum
  1. Epigeneium amplum - The Large Epigeneium
  2. Epigeneium cymbidioides - The Cymbidium-Like Epigeneium
  3. Epigeneium treacherianum - Treacher's Epigeneium
  1. Epipactis atrorubens - Dark-red helleborine - Royal helleborine
  2. Epipactis gigantea - Stream orchid - Giant helleborine - Chatterbox
  3. Epipactis helleborine - Broad Leafed Helleborine
  4. Epipactis phyllanthes - Green-flowered helleborine
  1. Eria thao
  1. Erycina crista-galli - The Cock's Comb Erycina
  2. Erycina pusilla - The Tiny Erycina
  1. Esmeralda clarkei - Clark's Esmeralda
  1. Euchile citrina - Daffodil Orchid - Tulip Orchid - The Citrus Euchile
  2. Euchile mariae - Marie's Epidendrum
  1. Eulophia speciosa - The Beautiful Eulophia
  1. Eurychone galeandrae - The Galeandra-Like Eurychone
  2. Eurychone rothschildiana - Rothschild's Eurychone
  1. Fernandezia ionanthera - The Violet Column Fernandezia
  2. Fernandezia maculata - The Spotted Fernandezia
  1. Galeandra baueri - Bauer's Galeandra
  1. Galeottia fimbriata - The Fringed Galeottia
  1. Gastrochilus bellinus - The Cute Gastrochilus
  2. Gastrochilus fuscopunctatus - The Yellow-Brown Dot Gastrochilus
  3. Gastrochilus japonicus - The Yellow Pine Orchid - The Japan Gastrochilus
  1. Gomesa crispa - The Curly Gomesa
  2. Gomesa echinata - The Hedge Hog Gomesa
  3. Gomesa radicans - The Ground Rooting Gomesa
  1. Gongora galeata - The Helmut Gongora
  2. Gongora truncata - The Supported Gongora
  1. Grammatophyllum multiflorum - Multiflowered grammatophyllum
  2. Grammatophyllum scriptum - The Written Grammatophyllum
  3. Grammatophyllum speciosum - Giant orchid - Tiger orchid - Queen of the orchids
  1. Guarianthe aurantiaca - Orange Guarianthe
  2. Guarianthe bowringiana - Bowring's Guarianthe
  3. Guarianthe skinneri - Skinner's Guarianthe
  1. Habenaria medusa - The Medusa-Like Habenaria
  2. Habenaria rhodocheila - The Red-Lipped Habenaria
  1. Haraella retrocalla - The Rear Facing Lip Spur Haraella
  1. Helcia sanguinolenta - The Blood-Stained Helcia
  1. Houlletia odoratissima - The Scented Houlletia
  1. Hymenorchis javanica - The Java Hymenorchis
  1. Ionopsis utricularioides - The Delicate Violet Ionopsis
  1. Isabelia pulchella - The Beautiful Isabelia
  2. Isabelia virginalis - The Virgin Isabella Orchid
  1. Isochilus linearis - The Slim Isochilus
  1. Jumellea anjouanensis - The Anjouan Jumellea
  2. Jumellea arachnantha - The Spider Flowered Jumellea
  1. Kefersteinia graminea - The Grass-Like Kefersteinia
  2. Kefersteinia mystacina - The Bearded Kefersteinia
  3. Kefersteinia tolimensis - The Tolima Kefersteinia
  1. Laelia albida - The Albescent Laelia
  2. Laelia anceps - Two-edged Laelia
  3. Laelia cinnabarina - The Cinnabar Laelia
  4. Laelia eyermaniana - Eyerman's Laelia
  5. Laelia ghillanyi - Ghilliany's Laelia
  6. Laelia gouldiana - Gould's Laelia
  7. Laelia harpophylla - The Sickle-leaf Laelia
  8. Laelia jongheana - The Jonghe Laelia
  9. Laelia longipes - The Long-Peduncled Laelia
  10. Laelia milleri - Miller's Laelia
  11. Laelia perrinii - Perrin's Laelia
  12. Laelia purpurata - Purple-stained Laelia
  13. Laelia rubescens - The Rosy Tinted Laelia
  14. Laelia speciosa - May-flowered - Showy Laelia
  1. Lepanthes calodictyon - The Beautiful Net-Patterned Leaf Lepanthes
  2. Lepanthes telipogoniflora - The Telipogon-Like Lepanthes
  1. Leptotes bicolor - Bicolored Leptotes
  1. Liparis nervosa - The Veined Liparis
  1. Lockhartia oerstedii - Oersted's Lockhartia
  1. Ludisia discolor - The Jewel Orchid - The Twisted Flower Orchid v- The Rock Silk Worn
  1. Lycaste macrophylla - The Large Leaf Lycaste
  2. Lycaste skinneri - White Nun Orchid - Skinner's Lycaste
  1. Macodes petola - The Petiole Macodes
  1. Macroclinium bicolor - The Two-Colored Macroclinium
  2. Macroclinium chasei - Chase's Macroclinium
  3. Macroclinium lineare - The Linear Leaf Macroclinium
  4. Macroclinium manabinum - The Manabi Macroclinium
  1. Masdevallia alexandri - Alexander Hirtz' Masdevallia
  2. Masdevallia amabilis - The Lovely Masdevallia
  3. Masdevallia amplexa - The Clasping Masevallia
  4. Masdevallia ampullacea - The Flask Masdevallia - The Bottle Masdevallia
  5. Masdevallia andreettana - Andreetta's Masdevallia
  6. Masdevallia Angel Frost - Masdevallia hybrid
  7. Masdevallia angulata - The Sharp Angle Masdevallia
  8. Masdevallia angulifera - The Angle-Bearing Masdevallia
  9. Masdevallia asterotricha - The Star-Like Pilose Masdevallia
  10. Masdevallia ayabacana - Ayabaca Masdevallia
  11. Masdevallia barlaeana - Barla's Masdevallia
  12. Masdevallia bicolor - The Two-Colored Masdevallia
  13. Masdevallia bicornis - The Two-Horned Masdevallia
  14. Masdevallia buccinator - The Horn Blower Masdevallia
  15. Masdevallia caesia - The Blue-Gray Masdevallia
  16. Masdevallia caloptera - The Beautiful-Winged Masdevallia
  17. Masdevallia caudata - The Long-Sepaled Masdevallia
  18. Masdevallia caudivolvula - The Convolute Cauda Masdevallia
  19. Masdevallia chaparensis - The Chapare Masdevallia
  20. Masdevallia chasei - Chase's Masdevallia
  21. Masdevallia chuspipatae - The Chuspipata Masdevallia
  22. Masdevallia citrinella - The Citrine Colored Masdevallia
  23. Masdevallia civilis - The Stately Masdevallia
  24. Masdevallia coccinea - The Scarlet Masdevallia - The Little Flag
  25. Masdevallia collina - The Hill Masdevallia
  26. Masdevallia colossus - The Gigantic Masdevallia
  27. Masdevallia concinna - The Elegant Masdevallia
  28. Masdevallia constricta - The Constricted Masdevallia
  29. Masdevallia coriacea - The Robust Leaf Masdevallia
  30. Masdevallia cyclotega - The Circular Roof Masdevallia
  31. Masdevallia datura - The Datura-Like Flower Masdevallia
  32. Masdevallia davisii - Davis' Masdevallia - The orchid of the sun
  33. Masdevallia decumana - The Large Flowered Masdevallia - The good-looking Masdevallia
  34. Masdevallia deformis - The Misshapen Masdevallia
  35. Masdevallia discolor - The Different Colored Masdevallia
  36. Masdevallia draconis - The Dragon-Like Masdevallia
  37. Masdevallia elegans - The Elegant Masdevallia
  38. Masdevallia elephanticeps - The Elephant Head Masdevallia
  39. Masdevallia encephala - The Brain Masdevallia
  40. Masdevallia expers - The Without Masdevallia
  41. Masdevallia exquisita - The Choice Masdevallia
  42. Masdevallia floribunda - The Easy-Blooming Masdevallia
  43. Masdevallia gilbertoi - Gilberto's Masdevallia
  44. Masdevallia glandulosa - The Gland-Bearing Masdevallia
  45. Masdevallia goliath - The Large Sized Masdevallia
  46. Masdevallia harlequina - The Harlequin Masdevallia
  47. Masdevallia hercules - The Hercules Flower Masdevallia
  48. Masdevallia heteroptera - The Different Sized Wings Masdevallia
  49. Masdevallia hirtzii - Hirtz's Masdevallia
  50. Masdevallia hortensis - The Garden Masdevallia
  51. Masdevallia hymenantha - The Delicate Virgin Masdevallia
  52. Masdevallia ignea - The Fire-Red Masdevallia
  53. Masdevallia infracta - The Crooked Masdevallia
  54. Masdevallia iris - The Rainbow-Colored Masdevallia
  55. Masdevallia laucheana - Lauche's Masdevallia
  56. Masdevallia lehmannii - Lehmann's Masdevallia
  57. Masdevallia limax - The Slug-Like Masdevallia
  58. Masdevallia livingstoneana - Livingstone's Masdevallia
  59. Masdevallia lychniphora - The Ruby Masdevallia
  60. Masdevallia macrura - The Long Tail Masdevallia
  61. Masdevallia marthae - Martha's Masdevallia
  62. Masdevallia mejiana - Mejia's Masdevallia
  63. Masdevallia melanoxantha - The Dark Yellow Masdevallia
  64. Masdevallia menatoi - Menato's Masdevallia
  65. Masdevallia mendozae - Mendoza's Masdevallia
  66. Masdevallia minuta - The Tiny Masdevallia
  67. Masdevallia molossoides - The Molossus-Like Masdevallia
  68. Masdevallia murex - Triton's Horn Masdevallia
  69. Masdevallia navicularis - The Small Boat Masdevallia
  70. Masdevallia nidifica - The Nesting Masdevallia
  71. Masdevallia norops - The Shining Masdevallia
  72. Masdevallia notosibirica - The Siberian Masdevallia
  73. Masdevallia odontocera - The Tusked Masdevallia
  74. Masdevallia ova-avis - The Birds Egg Masdevallia
  75. Masdevallia pachyura - The Broad-Tailed Masdevallia
  76. Masdevallia papillosa - The Papillate Masdevallia
  77. Masdevallia patriciana - Patricia's Masdevallia
  78. Masdevallia patula - The Extended Masdevallia
  79. Masdevallia peristeria - The Dove-Like Masdevallia
  80. Masdevallia picea - The Pitch-Black Masdevallia
  81. Masdevallia picturata - The Striking Masdevallia
  82. Masdevallia pileata - The Capped Masdevallia
  83. Masdevallia pinocchio - The Pinocchio Masdevallia
  84. Masdevallia polysticta - The Many-Spotted Masdevallia
  85. Masdevallia princeps - The Chief Masdevallia
  86. Masdevallia prodigiosa - The Extraordinary Masdevallia
  87. Masdevallia pteroglossa - The Winged Tongue Masdevallia
  88. Masdevallia pulcherrima - The Beautiful Masdevallia
  89. Masdevallia pumila - The Dwarf Masdevallia
  90. Masdevallia racemosa - The Racemose Masdevallia
  91. Masdevallia regina - The Queen Masdevallia
  92. Masdevallia reichenbachiana - Reichenbach's Masdevallia
  93. Masdevallia richardsoniana - Richardson's Masdevallia
  94. Masdevallia rimarima-alba - The White Rima-Rima
  95. Masdevallia rosea - The Pink Masdevallia
  96. Masdevallia rubeola - The Reddish Masdevallia
  97. Masdevallia sanctae-inesae - The Saint Inez' Masdevallia
  98. Masdevallia scabrilinguis - The Rough-Lipped Masdevallia
  99. Masdevallia schlimii - Schlim's Masdevallia
  100. Masdevallia schmidt-mummii - Schmidt-Mumm's Masdevallia
  101. Masdevallia schroederiana - Schroeder's Masdevallia
  102. Masdevallia setacea - The Bristly Masdevallia
  103. Masdevallia sprucei - Spruce's Masdevallia
  104. Masdevallia staaliana - Staal's Masdevallia
  105. Masdevallia stenorhynchos - The Slim-Beaked Masdevallia
  106. Masdevallia striatella - The Small Striped Masdevallia
  107. Masdevallia strobelii - Strobel's Masdevallia
  108. Masdevallia tonduzii - Tonduz' Masdevallia
  109. Masdevallia torta - The Twisted Masdevallia
  110. Masdevallia tovarensis - The Tovar Masdevallia
  111. Masdevallia triangularis - The Three-Edged Masdevallia
  112. Masdevallia tridens - The Three Toothed Masdevallia
  113. Masdevallia uniflora - The Single Flowered Masdevallia
  114. Masdevallia veitchiana - Veitch's Masdevallia - King of the Masdevallias
  115. Masdevallia velifera - The Veiled Masdevallia
  116. Masdevallia ventricularia - The Small-Bellied Masdevallia
  117. Masdevallia weberbaueri - Weberbauer's Masdevallia
  118. Masdevallia welischii - Welisch's Masdevallia
  119. Masdevallia wendlandiana - Wendland's Masdevallia
  120. Masdevallia whiteana - White's Masdevallia
  121. Masdevallia xanthina - The Yellow Masdevallia
  122. Masdevallia yungasensis - The Yungas Masdevallia
  123. Masdevallia zahlbruckneri - Zahlbruckner's Masdevallia
  1. Maxillaria acervata - Bundled Maxillaria
  2. Maxillaria aciantha - Pointed Flower Maxillaria
  3. Maxillaria alba - White Flowered Maxillaria
  4. Maxillaria anceps - Double-Edged Maxillaria
  5. Maxillaria angustisegmenta - Narrow Segmented Maxillaria
  6. Maxillaria angustissima - Narrowest Maxillaria
  7. Maxillaria brachybulbon - Short-Bulbed Maxillaria
  8. Maxillaria caespitifica - Mat-Forming Maxillaria
  9. Maxillaria cobanensis - Coban Maxillaria
  10. Maxillaria confusa - Confounded Maxillaria
  11. Maxillaria cucullata - The Cowl Carrying Maxillaria
  12. Maxillaria curtipes - Short-Column Maxillaria
  13. Maxillaria densa - Crowded maxillaria
  14. Maxillaria diuturna - Long-Living Maxillaria
  15. Maxillaria elatior - Sturdy Maxillaria
  16. Maxillaria friedrichsthalii - Friedrichsthal's Maxillaria
  17. Maxillaria fulgens - Shiny Maxillaria
  18. Maxillaria grandiflora - The Large-Flowered Maxillaria
  19. Maxillaria hedwigiae - Hedwig's Maxillaria
  20. Maxillaria hematoglossa - Blood Red Lipped Maxillaria
  21. Maxillaria longissima - The Longest Petal Maxillaria
  22. Maxillaria maleolens - Foul Smelling Maxillaria
  23. Maxillaria mombachoensis - Mombacho Maxillaria
  24. Maxillaria nasuta - Nosed Maxillaria
  25. Maxillaria neglecta - Neglected Maxillaria
  26. Maxillaria oreocharis - Mountain Loving Maxillaria
  27. Maxillaria pachyacron - Narrowest Maxillaria
  28. Maxillaria paleata - Shovel-Shaped Maxillaria
  29. Maxillaria picta - The Painted Maxillaria
  30. Maxillaria porrecta - Extended Maxillaria
  31. Maxillaria praestans - Outstanding Maxillaria
  32. Maxillaria ramonensis - San Ramon Maxillaria
  33. Maxillaria reichenheimiana - Reichenheim's Maxillaria
  34. Maxillaria ringens - Rigid Maxillaria
  35. Maxillaria rufescens - Light Fox-Red Maxillaria
  36. Maxillaria sanguinea - Blood-Red Maxillaria
  37. Maxillaria schlechteriana - Schlechter's Maxillaria
  38. Maxillaria sigmoidea - S Shaped Lip Maxillaria
  39. Maxillaria sophronitis - The Sophronitis-Like Maxillaria
  40. Maxillaria tenuifolia - The Coconut Orchid
  41. Maxillaria uncata - The Hook Shaped Maxillaria
  42. Maxillaria variabilis - The Variable Maxillaria
  1. Mediocalcar decoratum - The Charming Mediocalcar
  1. Meiracyllium trinasutum - Three-Nosed Meiracyllium
  1. Mexicoa ghiesbreghtiana - Gheisbreght's Mexicoa

  1. Microterangis hariotiana - Hariot's Microterangis
  1. Miltonia binotii - Binot's Miltonia
  2. Miltonia bluntii - Blunt's Miltonia
  3. Miltonia candida - The Snow-White Miltonia
  4. Miltonia clowesii - Clowes' Miltonia
  5. Miltonia cuneata - The Wedge-Shaped Miltonia
  6. Miltonia flavescens - The Yellowish Miltonnia
  7. Miltonia Honolulu - Miltonia hybrid
  8. Miltonia kayasimae - Kayasima's Miltonia
  9. Miltonia moreliana - Morel's Miltonia
  10. Miltonia phymatochila - Pad-Like Lip Miltonia
  11. Miltonia regnellii - Regnell's miltonia
  12. Miltonia russelliana - Russell's Miltonia
  13. Miltonia spectabilis - The Outstanding Miltonia
  1. Miltoniopsis Andrea West - Miltoniopsis hybrid
  2. Miltoniopsis Augres "Trinity" - Miltoniopsis hybrid
  3. Miltoniopsis Bert Field - Miltoniopsis hybrid
  4. Miltoniopsis bismarckii - Bismark's Miltoniopsis
  5. Miltoniopsis Breathless - Miltoniopsis hybrid
  6. Miltoniopsis Herralexandre - Miltoniopsis hybrid
  7. Miltoniopsis phalaenopsis - The Phalaenopsis-Like Miltoniopsis
  8. Miltoniopsis roezlii - Roezl's Miltoniopsis
  9. Miltoniopsis santanaei - Santana's Miltoniopsis
  10. Miltoniopsis vexillaria - The Flag-Like Miltoniopsis
  11. Miltoniopsis warscewiczii - Warscewiczii's Miltoniopsis
  1. Mormodes revolutum - The Back-Bent Mormodes
  2. Mormodes rolfeana - Rolfe's Mormodes
  3. Mormodes sinuata - The Crooked Mormodes
  4. Mormodes wolterianum - Wolter's Mormodes
  1. Myrmecophila galeottiana - Galeotti's Schomburgkia
  1. Mystacidium braybonae - Braybon's Mystacidium
  2. Mystacidium capense - Cape Of Good Hope Mystacidium
  3. Mystacidium venosum - The Veined Mystacidium
  1. Neobathiea grandidierana - Grandidier's Neobathiea
  1. Neobenthamia gracilis - The Graceful Neobenthamia
  1. Neofinetia falcata - The Wind Orchid
  1. Notylia barkeri -Barker's Notylia
  2. Notylia peruviana - The Peruvian Notylia
  1. Odontoglossum blandum - The Charming Odontoglossum
  2. Odontoglossum cirrhosum - The Wavy Odontoglossum
  3. Odontoglossum crispum - The Curled Odontoglossum
  4. Odontoglossum cristatellum - The Golden Oncidium
  5. Odontoglossum crocidipterum - The Saffron Yellow Two Winged Odontoglossum
  6. Odontoglossum gloriosum - The Glorious Odontoglossum
  7. Odontoglossum hallii - Hall's Odontoglossum
  8. Odontoglossum harryanum - Harry's Odontoglossum
  9. Odontoglossum kegeljani - Kegel's Odontoglossum
  10. Odontoglossum lindleyanum - Lindley's Odontoglossum
  11. Odontoglossum x luerorum
  12. Odontoglossum luteopurpureum - The Yellow-Purple Odontoglossum
  13. Odontoglossum naevium - The Speckled Odontoglossum
  14. Odontoglossum nobile - The Grand Odontoglossum
  15. Odontoglossum spectatissimum - The Spectacular Odontoglossum
  16. Odontoglossum subuligerum - The Terete-Leafed Odontoglossum
  17. Odontoglossum tenue - The Delicate Odontoglossum
  18. Odontoglossum wyattianum - Wyatt's Odontoglossum
  1. Oeoniella polystachys - The Richly-Blooming Oeoniella
  1. Oestlundia distantiflora - Distant Flowered Oestlundia
  1. Oncidium armatum - Armed Oncidium
  2. Oncidium aspidorhinum - Shield-Leather Oncidium
  3. Oncidium astranthum - Star Flowered Oncidium
  4. Oncidium aurarium - Golden Oncidium
  5. Oncidium auriculatum - Eared Oncidium
  6. Oncidium auroincarum - Botanical Inca Gold Oncidium
  7. Oncidium bracteatum - Bracted Oncidium
  8. Oncidium cariniferum - The Keeled Oncidium
  9. Oncidium cheirophorum - Hand Carrying Oncidium - Colombia Buttercup
  10. Oncidium coloratum - The Colored Oncidium
  11. Oncidium constrictum - Constricted Oncidium
  12. Oncidium croesus - The Rich Blooming Oncidium
  13. Oncidium endocharis - The Graceful Oncidium
  14. Oncidium ensatum - Sword Shaped Oncidium
  15. Oncidium exauriculatum - Without Ears Oncidium
  16. Oncidium filamentosum - Filiment-Like Oncidium
  17. Oncidium flexuosum - The Bent Oncidium
  18. Oncidium forbesii - Forbes' Oncidium
  19. Oncidium hastilabium - The Lance-Head Lip Oncidium
  20. Oncidium hians - The Gaping Oncidium
  21. Oncidium hirtziana - Hirtz's Oncidium
  22. Oncidium incurvum -  Bent Oncidium
  23. Oncidium jonesianum - Jones' Oncidium
  24. Oncidium laeve - The Smooth Flowered Oncidium
  25. Oncidium maculatum - The Spotted Oncidium
  26. Oncidium manuelariasii - Arias's Oncidium
  27. Oncidium mixturum - Mixed Oncidium
  28. Oncidium oblongatum - The Slanting Oncidium
  29. Oncidium reichenheimii - Reichenheim's Oncidium
  30. Oncidium Sharry Baby - Oncidium hybrid
  31. Oncidium sotoanum - The Birds Beak Oncidium
  32. Oncidium stacyi - Stacy's Oncidium
  33. Oncidium Sweet Sugar - Oncidium hybrid
  34. Oncidium Twinkle - Oncidium hybrid
  35. Oncidium varicosum - The Veined Oncidium
  36. Oncidium venustum - The Scoop Oncidium
  1. Ophrys apifera - Bee Orchid
  2. Ophrys bombyliflora - Bumblebee orchid
  3. Ophrys fuciflora - Late-spider orchid
  4. Ophrys fusca - Sombre bee-orchid
  5. Ophrys insectifera - Fly orchid
  6. Ophrys lutea - Yellow bee-orchid
  7. Ophrys reinholdii - Reinhold's ophrys
  8. Ophrys scolopax - Woodcock orchid
  9. Ophrys speculum - Mirror orchid
  10. Ophrys sphegodes - Early Spider Orchid
  1. Otoglossum coronarium - The Wreath-Shaped Otoglossum
  1. Pabstia jugosa - The Saddle-Shaped Pabstia
  1. Paphinia cristata - The Combed Paphinia
  2. Paphinia neudeckeri - Neudecker's Paphinia
  1. Paphiopedilum acmodontum - The Pointed Tooth Paphiopedilum
  2. Paphiopedilum adductum - Paphiopedilum anitum
  3. Paphiopedilum appletonianum - Appleton's Paphiopedilum
  4. Paphiopedilum argus - Argus Paphiopedilum
  5. Paphiopedilum armeniacum - The Apricot Orange Paphiopedilum
  6. Paphiopedilum barbatum - The Bearded Paphiopedilum
  7. Paphiopedilum barbigerum - The Beard Carrying Paphiopedilum
  8. Paphiopedilum bellatulum - The egg-in-a-nest orchid - The Enchanting Paphiopedilum
  9. Paphiopedilum bullenianum - Bullen's Paphiopedilum
  10. Paphiopedilum callosum - The Callus Paphiopedilum
  11. Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum - Chamberlain's Paphiopedilum
  12. Paphiopedilum charlesworthii - The Charlesworth Paphiopedilum
  13. Paphiopedilum ciliolare - The Short Haired Paphiopedilum
  14. Paphiopedilum concolor - The One Colored Paphiopedilum
  15. Paphiopedilum delenatii - Delanat's Paphiopedilum
  16. Paphiopedilum Deperle - Paphiopedilum hybrid
  17. Paphiopedilum dianthum - The Double Flowered Paphiopedilum
  18. Paphiopedilum druryi - Drury's Paphiopedilum
  19. Paphiopedilum emersonii - Emerson's Paphiopedilum
  20. Paphiopedilum exul - The Excluded Paphiopedilum
  21. Paphiopedilum fairrieanum - Fairrie's Paphiopedilum
  22. Paphiopedilum fowliei - Fowlie's Paphiopedilum
  23. Paphiopedilum gigantifolium - The Giant-Leaf Paphiopedilum
  24. Paphiopedilum glanduliferum - The Gland-Bearing Paphiopedilum
  25. Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum - The Shiny Blue Green Leaf Paphiopedilum
  26. Paphiopedilum godefroyae - Mrs. Godefroy's Paphiopedilum
  27. Paphiopedilum gratrixianum - Gratix's Paphiopedilum
  28. Paphiopedilum hangianum - Hang's Paphiopedilum
  29. Paphiopedilum haynaldianum - Haynald's Paphiopedilum
  30. Paphiopedilum helenae - Ellen's Paphiopedilum
  31. Paphiopedilum hennisianum - Hennis' Paphiopedilum
  32. Paphiopedilum henryanum - Henry's Paphiopedilum
  33. Paphiopedilum herrmannii - Herman's Paphiopedilum
  34. Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum - The Shaggy Paphiopedilum
  35. Paphiopedilum hookerae - Hooker's Paphiopedilum
  36. Paphiopedilum insigne - The Splendid Paphiopedilum
  37. Paphiopedilum intaniae - The Intani Paphiopedilum
  38. Paphiopedilum javanicum - The Java Paphiopedilum
  39. Paphiopedilum kolopakingii - Kolopaking's Paphiopedilum
  40. Paphiopedilum liemianum - Liem's Paphiopedilum
  41. Paphiopedilum lowii - Low's Paphiopedilum
  42. Paphiopedilum malipoense - The Malipo Paphiopedilum - Jade Slipper Orchid
  43. Paphiopedilum Maudiae - Paphiopedilum hybrid
  44. Paphiopedilum micranthum - The Tiny Flowered Paphiopedilum
  45. Paphiopedilum niveum - The Snow-White Paphiopedilum
  46. Paphiopedilum ooii - Ooi's Paphiopedilum
  47. Paphiopedilum papuanum - The Papua Paphiopedilum
  48. Paphiopedilum parishii - Parish's Paphiopedilum
  49. Paphiopedilum parnatanum - Parnata's Paphiopedilum
  50. Paphiopedilum philippinense - The Philippine Paphiopedilum
  51. Paphiopedilum Pinocchio - Paphiopedilum hybrid
  52. Paphiopedilum platyphyllum - The Broad-Leaf Paphiopedilum
  53. Paphiopedilum primulinum - The Primrose Yellow Paphiopedilum
  54. Paphiopedilum purpuratum - The Purple Paphiopedilum
  55. Paphiopedilum rothschildianum - Rothschild's Paphiopedilum - Gold of Kinabalu orchid
  56. Paphiopedilum sanderianum - Sander's Paphiopedilum
  57. Paphiopedilum sangii - Sang's Paphiopedilum
  58. Paphiopedilum spicerianum - Spicer's Paphiopedilum
  59. Paphiopedilum stonei - Stone's Paphiopedilum
  60. Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum - Sugiyama's Paphiopedilum
  61. Paphiopedilum sukhakulii - Sukhakul's Paphiopedilum
  62. Paphiopedilum supardii - Supard's Paphiopedilum
  63. Paphiopedilum superbiens - The Outstanding Paphiopedilum
  64. Paphiopedilum tigrinum - The Tiger Striped Paphiopedilum
  65. Paphiopedilum tonsum - The Bald Paphiopedilum
  66. Paphiopedilum tranlienianum - Tran's Paphiopedilum
  67. Paphiopedilum urbanianum - Urban's Paphiopedilum
  68. Paphiopedilum vejvarutianum - The Vejvarut Paphiopedilum
  69. Paphiopedilum venustum - The Charming Paphiopedilum
  70. Paphiopedilum victoria-mariae - The Virgin Mary Paphiopedilum
  71. Paphiopedilum vietnamense - The Vietnamese Paphiopedilum
  72. Paphiopedilum villosum - Villose Paphiopedilum
  73. Paphiopedilum violascens - The Shimmering Purple Paphiopedilum
  74. Paphiopedilum wenshanense - The Wenshan Paphiopedilum
  75. Paphiopedilum wentworthianum - Wentworth's Paphiopedilum
  76. Paphiopedilum wilhelminae - Wilhelminha's Paphiopedium
  1. Papilionanthe teres - The Terete Leaf Papilionanthe
  2. Papilionanthe vandarum - The Vanda-Like Papilionanthe
  1. Pecteilis radiata - The Ray Shaped Pecteilis - The Egret Flower
  1. Peristeria elata - Holy Ghost orchid - Dove orchid
  2. Peristeria guttata - The Spotted Peristeria
  1. Pescatoria cerina - The Waxy Pescatoria
  2. Pescatoria coelestis - The Sky-Blue Pescatoria
  3. Pescatoria coronaria - The Wreath-Shaped Pescatoria
  4. Pescatoria dayana - Days Pescatoria
  5. Pescatoria ecuadorana - The Ecuador Pescatoria
  6. Pescatoria klabochorum - The Klaboch Brother's Pescatoria
  7. Pescatoria pulvinaris - The Cushion-Like Pescatoria
  8. Pescatoria violacea - The Violet Pescatoria
  1. Phaius flavus - Yellow Flowered Phaius
  2. Phaius francoisii - Francois' Phaius
  3. Phaius humblotii - Humblot's Phaius
  4. Phaius peyrotii - Peyrot's Phaius
  5. Phaius tankervilleae - Nun's Orchid - Kunai Orchid - Emma Tankerville's Phaius
  1. Phalaenopsis amabilis - The Lovely Phalaenopsis
  2. Phalaenopsis amboinensis - The Amboin Island Phalaenopsis
  3. Phalaenopsis aphrodite - Aphrodite's Phalaenopsis - Goddess of Fertility
  4. Phalaenopsis appendiculata - The Small Appendage Phalaenopsis
  5. Phalaenopsis Barbara Moler x venosa - Phalaenopsis hybrid
  6. Phalaenopsis bastianii - Bastian's Phalaenosis
  7. Phalaenopsis bellina - The Beautiful Phalaenopsis
  8. Phalaenopsis buyssoniana - Buysson's Phalaenopsis
  9. Phalaenopsis celebensis - The Celebes Phalaenopsis
  10. Phalaenopsis chibae - Chiba's Phalaenopsis
  11. Phalaenopsis cochlearis - Spoon-like Phalaenopsis
  12. Phalaenopsis corningiana - Corning's Phalaenopsis
  13. Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi - Deer Antlered Phalaenopsis
  14. Phalaenopsis deliciosa - The Delicate Phalaenopsis
  15. Phalaenopsis difformis - The Dark Brown Phalaenopsis
  16. Phalaenopsis doweryensis - Dowery's Phalaenopsis
  17. Phalaenopsis equestris - The Horse Phalaenopsis
  18. Phalaenopsis fasciata - The Striped Flower Phalaenopsis
  19. Phalaenopsis fimbriata - The Fimbriate Phalenopsis
  20. Phalaenopsis fuscata - Darkened Phalaenopsis
  21. Phalaenopsis gibbosa - The Phalaenopsis with a pouch-like swelling
  22. Phalaenopsis gigantea - The Gigantic Phalaenopsis
  23. Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica - The Hieroglyphic Phalaenopsis
  24. Phalaenopsis honghenensis - The Honghen Phalaenopsis
  25. Phalaenopsis hygrochila - The Moist Lip Phalaenopsis
  26. Phalaenopsis inscriptiosinensis - The Chinese Character Phalaenopsis
  27. Phalaenopsis javanica - The Javanese Phalaenopsis
  28. Phalaenopsis kunstleri - Kunstler's Phalaenopsis
  29. Phalaenopsis lindeni - Linden's Phalaenopsis
  30. Phalaenopsis lobbii - Lobb's Phalaenopsis
  31. Phalaenopsis lowii - Low's Phalaenopsis
  32. Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana - Lueddemann's Phalaenopsis
  33. Phalaenopsis maculata - The Spotted Phalaenopsis
  34. Phalaenopsis malipoensis - The Ma Li Po Phalaenopsis
  35. Phalaenopsis mannii - Mann's Phalaenopsis
  36. Phalaenopsis mariae - Maria's Phalaenopsis
  37. Phalaenopsis mentawaiensis - The Mentawai Islands Phalaenopsis
  38. Phalaenopsis micholitzii - Micholitz's Phalaenopsis
  39. Phalaenopsis Mini Mark - Phalaenopsis hybrid
  40. Phalaenopsis mirabilis - The Wonderful Phalaenopsis
  41. Phalaenopsis modesta - The Modest Phalaenopsis
  42. Phalaenopsis mysorensis - The Mysore Phalaenopsis
  43. Phalaenopsis pallens - Pale Colored Phalaenopsis
  44. Phalaenopsis pantherina - The Panther-Like Phalaenopsis
  45. Phalaenopsis parishii - Parish's Phalaenopsis
  46. Phalaenopsis philippinensis - The Philippine Phalaenopsis
  47. Phalaenopsis pulchra - The Beautiful flowered Phalaenopsis
  48. Phalaenopsis pulcherrima - The Beautiful Doritis
  49. Phalaenopsis reichenbachiana - Reichenbach's Phalaenopsis
  50. Phalaenopsis sanderiana - Sander's Phalaenopsis
  51. Phalaenopsis schilleriana - Schiller's Phalaenopsis
  52. Phalaenopsis speciosa - The Beautiful Phalaenopsis
  53. Phalaenopsis stobartiana - Stobart's Phalaenopsis
  54. Phalaenopsis stuartiana - Stuart's Phalaenopsis
  55. Phalaenopsis sumatrana - The Sumatran Phalaenopsis
  56. Phalaenopsis Sweet Memory - Phalaenopsis hybrid
  57. Phalaenopsis taenialis - The Bandage-Like Phalaenopsis
  58. Phalaenopsis tetraspis - The Four Shield Phalaenopsis
  59. Phalaenopsis thailandica - The Thailand Phalaenopsis
  60. Phalaenopsis venosa - The Veined Phalaenopsis
  61. Phalaenopsis violacea - The Violet Phalaenopsis
  62. Phalaenopsis viridis - The Green Phalaenopsis
  63. Phalaenopsis wilsonii - Wilson's Phalaenopsis
  64. Phalaenopsis zhejiangensis - The Zhejiang Phalaenopsis
  1. Pholidota imbricata - The Overlapping Shingle Pholidota - Rattlesnake Orchid
  2. Pholidota ventricosa - The Thick Bellied Pholidota
  1. Phragmipedium andreettae - Andreetta's Phragmipedium
  2. Phragmipedium besseae - Mrs. Besse's Phragmipedium
  3. Phragmipedium boissierianum - Boissier's Phragmipedium
  4. Phragmipedium caricinum - The Reed Grass-Like Phragmipedium
  5. Phragmipedium caudatum - The Tailed Phragmipedium - The Mandarin Orchid
  6. Phragmipedium kovachii - Kovach's Phragmipedium
  7. Phragmipedium lindenii - Linden's Phragmipedium
  8. Phragmipedium lindleyanum - Lindley's Phragmipedium
  9. Phragmipedium longifolium - The Long-Leaf Phragmipedium
  10. Phragmipedium pearcei - Pearce's Phragmipedium
  11. Phragmipedium reticulatum - The Reticulated Phragmipedium
  12. Phragmipedium sargentianum - Sargent's Phragmipedium
  13. Phragmipedium schlimii - Schlimm's Phragmipedium
  14. Phragmipedium vittatum - The Striped Phragmipedium
  15. Phragmipedium wallisii - Wallis' Phragmipedium
  1. Platanthera blephariglottis - White fringed orchid
  2. Platanthera ciliaris - Yellow fringed orchid - The Haired Platanthera
  3. Platanthera cristata - Crested yellow orchid
  4. Platanthera dilatata - Tall white bog orchid - Bog candle
  5. Platanthera psycodes - Small Purple Fringed Orchid
  6. Platanthera praeclara - Western prairie fringed orchid - Great Plains white fringed orchid
  1. Plectrelminthus caudatus - The Long-Sepaled Plectrelminthus
  1. Pleione albiflora - The White Flowered Pleione
  2. Pleione aurita - The Golden Pleione
  3. Pleione bulbocodioides - The Bulbocodium-Like Pleione
  4. Pleione chunii - Chun's Pleione
  5. Pleione coronaria - The Wreath-Shaped Pleione
  6. Pleione formosana - The Formosa Pleione - Taiwan Pleione - Windowsill Orchid
  7. Pleione forrestii - Forrest's Pleione
  8. Pleione grandiflora - The Large Flowered Pleione
  9. Pleione hookeriana - Hooker's Pleione
  10. Pleione humilis - The Low Growing Pleione
  11. Pleione limprichtii - Hardy Chinese Orchid - Limpritch's Pleione
  12. Pleione maculata - The Spotted Pleione
  13. Pleione pleionoides - The Pleione-like Pleione
  14. Pleione praecox - The Early Blooming Pleione
  15. Pleione saxicola - The Lithophytic Pleione
  16. Pleione scopulorum - The Branching Pleione
  17. Pleione yunnanensis - The Yunnan Pleione
  1. Pleurothallis cardiothallis - Heart Shaped Growth Bonnet orchids
  2. Pleurothallis helleri - Heller's Pleurothallis
  3. Pleurothallis luctuosa - Sorrowful bonnet orchid
  4. Pleurothallis matudana - Matuda's Bonnet orchid
  5. Pleurothallis nossax - The Young-Bird Pleurothallis
  6. Pleurothallis phyllocardioides - Heart-Shaped Leaf Bonnet orchid
  7. Pleurothallis sclerophylla - The Dry Leathery Leaf Pleurothallis
  8. Pleurothallis secunda - The One-Sided Bloom Pleurothallis
  9. Pleurothallis tribuloides - The Thorny Pleurothallis
  10. Pleurothallis volans - The Flying Pleurothallis
  1. Podangis dactyloceras - The Finger-Like Bent Spur Podangis
  1. Polystachya affinis - The Similar Polystachya
  2. Polystachya bella - The Beautiful Polystachya
  3. Polystachya caespitifica subsp. latilabris - The Broad-Lipped Polystachya
  4. Polystachya caloglossa - The Beautiful Lipped Polystachya
  5. Polystachya concreta - The greater yellowspike orchid - Pale Flowered Polystachya
  6. Polystachya fallax - The Deceiving Polystachya
  7. Polystachya galeata - The Helmut-Shaped Polystachya
  8. Polystachya longiscapa - The Long Inflorescence Polystachya
  9. Polystachya pubescens - The Fine-Haired Polystachya
  10. Polystachya rhodochila - The Red Lipped Polystachya
  11. Polystachya valentina - The Valentin Polystachya
  12. Polystachya virginea - The Virginal Polystachya - The Snow-Drop Orchid
  13. Polystachya vulcanica - The Volcano Polystachya
  14. Polystachya zambesiaca - The Zambesi Polystachya
  1. Ponthieva racemosa - The Racemose Ponthieva - The Hairy Shadow Witch
  1. Promenaea Meadow Gold - Promenaea hybrid
  2. Promenaea xanthina - The Yellow Promenaea
  1. Prosthechea baculus - Stake-Like Prosthechea
  2. Prosthechea brassavolae - Brassavola-Like Prosthechea
  3. Prosthechea chacaoensis - Chacao Prosthechea
  4. Prosthechea chondylobulbon - Cone-Like Bulb Prosthechea
  5. Prosthechea cochleata - Clamshell Orchid - Cockleshell Orchid - Black Orchid
  6. Prosthechea fragrans - Fragrant Prosthechea
  7. Prosthechea livida - Bluish Prosthechea
  8. Prosthechea micropus
  9. Prosthechea ochracea - Ochre Yellow Prosthechea
  10. Prosthechea prismatocarpa - The Prism-Shaped Seedpod Prosthechea
  11. Prosthechea pterocarpa - Winged Seedpod Prosthechea
  12. Prosthechea pygmaea - Dwarf Prosthechea - Dwarf butterfly orchid
  13. Prosthechea radiata - The Lined Petal Orchid
  14. Prosthechea rhynchophora - Beak-Carrying Prosthechea
  15. Prosthechea semiaperta - Half-Open Prosthechea
  16. Prosthechea vespa - Wasp Prosthechea
  17. Prosthechea vitellina - The Yolk-Yellow Prosthechea
  1. Psychopsiella limminghei - Limminghe's Psychopsiella
  1. Psychopsis krameriana - Kramer's Psychopsis
  2. Psychopsis papilio - The Butterfly Psychopsis
  3. Psychopsis sanderae - Sander's Psychopsis
  4. Psychopsis versteegiana - Versteeg's Psychopsis
  1. Pteroceras semiteretifolium - The Semi-Terete Leaves Pteroceras
  1. Rangaeris amaniensis - The Amani Rangaeris
  2. Rangaeris muscicola - The Moss-Growing Rangaeris
  1. Renanthera citrina - The Lemon Yellow Renanthera
  2. Renanthera coccinea - The Scarlet Renanthera
  3. Renanthera imschootiana - Imschoot's Renanthera
  4. Renanthera monachica - Spanish Dancing Girl Renanthera
  1. Restrepia antennifera - The Antennae Carrying Restrepia
  2. Restrepia brachypus - The Short-Column Foot Restrepia
  3. Restrepia cuprea - The Copper-Colored Restrepia
  4. Restrepia echo - Echo's Acronia
  5. Restrepia guttulata - The Small Spotted Restrepia
  6. Restrepia mohrii - Mohr's Restrepia
  7. Restrepia trichoglossa - The Hairy Tongued Restrepia
  1. Rhyncholaelia digbyana - Digby's Beaked Laelia
  2. Rhyncholaelia glauca - Glaucous Beaked Laelia
  1. Rhynchostele aptera - The Wing-Less Rhynchostele
  2. Rhynchostele bictoniensis - Bicton Rhynchostylis
  3. Rhynchostele cervantesii - Cervantes' Rhynchostele
  4. Rhynchostele cordata - The Heart-Shaped Rhynchostele
  5. Rhynchostele londesboroughianum - Londesborough's Rhynchostele
  6. Rhynchostele rossii - Ross' Rhynchostele
  7. Rhynchostele stellata - The Star-Like Rhynchostele
  8. Rhynchostele uroskinneri - Ure-Skinner's Rhynchostele
  1. Rhynchostylis coelestis - The Sky-Blue Rhynchostylis
  2. Rhynchostylis gigantea - The Giant Rhynchostylis
  1. Robiquetia cerina - The Waxy Flowered Robiquetia
  1. Rodriguezia bracteata - The Bracted Rodriguezia
  2. Rodriguezia decora - The Pretty Rodriguezia
  3. Rodriguezia leeana - Lee's Rodriguezia
  4. Rodriguezia venusta - The Lovely Rodriguezia
  1. Rodrigueziopsis eleutherosepala - The Free Non-Connected Rodrigueziopsis
  1. Rossioglossum grande - The Large Rossioglossum - The Clown Orchid
  2. Rossioglossum insleayi - Insleay's Rossioglossum
  3. Rossioglossum krameri - Kramer's Rossioglossum
  4. Rossioglossum splendens - The Splendid Rossioglossum
  1. Rudolfiella floribunda - The Floriferous Rudolfiella
  1. Sarcochilus falcatus - The Sickle-Shaped Sarcochilus - The Orange Blossom Orchid
  2. Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii - Fitzgerald's Sarcochilus - The Ravine Orchid
  3. Sarcochilus hartmannii - Hartman's Sarcochilus - The Large Boulder Orchid
  1. Scaphosepalum rapax - The Predatory Beast Scaphosepalum
  1. Schoenorchis fragrans - The Fragrant Schoenorchis
  1. Scuticaria hadwenii - Hadwen's Scuticaria
  1. Sedirea japonica - The Japan Sedirea
  1. Sievekingia marsupialis - The Bag-Shaped Sievekingia
  1. Sigmatostalix cuculligera - The Cowl Carrying Sigmatostalix
  2. Sigmatostalix eliae - Elia's Sigmatostalix
  3. Sigmatostalix picturatissima - The Extremely Colorful Sigmatostalix
  1. Sobennikoffia humbertiana - Humbert's Sobennikoffia
  2. Sobennikoffia robusta - The Robust Sobennikoffia
  1. Sobralia macrantha - The Large-Flowered Sobralia
  1. Solenidiopsis tigroides - The Tiger-Like Solenidiopsis
  1. Sophronitis coccinea - The Scarlet Sophronitis
  1. Spathoglottis affinis - The Similar Spathoglottis
  2. Spathoglottis aurea - The Small-Lipped Spathoglottis
  3. Spathoglottis bulbosa - The Bulbed Spathoglottis
  4. Spathoglottis hardingiana - Harding's Spathoglottis
  5. Spathoglottis ixioides - The Ixia-Like Spathoglottis
  6. Spathoglottis kimballiana - Kimball's Spathoglottis
  7. Spathoglottis paulinae - The Small Purple Orchid - Pauline Richmond's Spathoglottis
  8. Spathoglottis plicata - The Large Purple Orchid - Philippine Ground Orchid
  9. Spathoglottis pubescens - The Hairy Spathoglottis


  1. Stanhopea cirrhata - Tendril Stanhopea
  2. Stanhopea costaricensis - The Costa Rican Stanhopea
  3. Stanhopea ecornuta - Hornless Stanhopea
  4. Stanhopea gibbosa - Humped Stanhopea
  5. Stanhopea graveolens - The Very Fragrant Stanhopea
  6. Stanhopea hernandezii - Hernandez' Stanhopea
  7. Stanhopea inodora - The Odorless Stanhopea
  8. Stanhopea jenischiana - Jenisch's Stanhopea
  9. Stanhopea oculata - The Eye-Spot Stanhopea
  10. Stanhopea ruckeri - Rucker's Stanhopea
  11. Stanhopea tigrina - The Tiger-Like Stanhopea
  12. Stanhopea wardii - Ward's Stanhopea


  1. Stelis poasensis - Long Column Foot Leach orchid


  1. Stenoglottis longifolia - The Long-Leafed Stenoglottis
  1. Sudamerlycaste locusta - The Locust Green Sudamerlycaste
  1. Symphyglossum sanguineum - The Blood Red Symphoglossum
  1. Thunia alba - The White Thunia
  1. Tolumnia calochila - The Beautiful Lip Tolumnia
  2. Tolumnia hawkesiana - Hawkes Tolumnia
  3. Tolumnia pulchella - The Beautiful Tolumnia
  4. Tolumnia urophylla - The Tail-Like Leaf Tolumnia
  5. Tolumnia variegata - The Variegated Oncidium
  6. Tolumnia velutina - The Velvety Tolumnia
  1. Trichocentrum carthagenense - The Cartagena Trichocentrum
  2. Trichocentrum cebolleta - The Onion Leaf Trichocentrum
  3. Trichocentrum lanceanum - Lance's Trichocentrum
  4. Trichocentrum microchilum - The Small-Lipped Trichocentrum
  5. Trichocentrum morenoi - Moreno's Trichocentrum
  6. Trichocentrum pfavii - Pfau's Trichocentrum
  7. Trichocentrum tigrinum - The Tiger-Like Trichocentrum
  1. Trichoglottis amesiana - Ames' Trichoglottis
  2. Trichoglottis atropurpurea - The Dark Purple Trichoglottis
  3. Trichoglottis pusilla - The Tiny Trichoglottis
  4. Trichoglottis triflora - The Three-Flowered Trichoglottis
  1. Trichopilia fragrans - The Fragrant Trichopilia
  2. Trichopilia galeottiana - Galeotti's Trichopilia
  3. Trichopilia marginata - The Rimmed Trichopilia
  4. Trichopilia punicea - Crimson Trichopilia
  5. Trichopilia suavis - The Soft Trichopilia
  6. Trichopilia tortilis - The Twisted Trichopilia
  7. Trichopilia turialbae - Turialba Tricopilia
  1. Trisetella hoeijeri - Hoeijer's Trisetella
  1. Vanda alpina - The Montane Vanda
  2. Vanda coerulea - The Blue Vanda
  3. Vanda cristata - The Comb Vanda
  4. Vanda denisoniana - Lady Denison Londesborough's Vanda
  5. Vanda sanderiana - Sanders Vanda - Waling-Waling
  6. Vanda tessellata - The Lattice-Like Patterned Flower Vanda
  7. Vanda tricolor - The Soft Vanda
  1. Vandopsis gigantea - The Giant Vandopsis
  1. Vanilla planifolia - Commercial Vanilla - The Flat Plane Leafed Vanilla
  1. Warczewiczella amazonica - The Amazon Warczewiczella
  2. Warczewiczella discolor - The Different Colored Warczewiczella
  1. Warmingia eugenii - Eugenius' Warmingia
  1. Zelenkoa onusta - The Luxurious Zelenkoa
  1. Zygopetalum brachypetalum - The Short Petaled Zygopetalum
  2. Zygopetalum crinitum - The Hairy Zygopetalum
  3. Zygopetalum intermedium - The In Between Zygopetalum
  4. Zygopetalum mackaii - Mackay's Zygopetalum
  5. Zygopetalum maculatum - The Spotted Zygopetalum
  6. Zygopetalum maxillare - The Chin-Bone Zygopetalum
  7. Zygopetalum microphytum - The Small Leaved Zygopetalum
  8. Zygopetalum pabstii - Pabst's Zygopetalum
  9. Zygopetalum pedicellatum - The Single Foot Zygopetalum
  10. Zygopetalum reginae - The royal Zygopetalum
  11. Zygopetalum sincoranum - The Sincorana Zygopetalum
  12. Zygopetalum triste - The Dark Purple Zygopetalum
Copyright by TravaldosBlog

Abelia,7,Abutilon,2,Acalypha,1,Acampe,1,acianthera,1,Acineta,8,Acriopsis,1,Ada,3,Adenium,3,Adromischus,1,Aeonium,2,Aerangis,30,Aeranthes,8,Aerides,19,Aganisia,2,Agapanthus,10,Agapetes,1,Agave,9,Aglaonema,75,Aichryson,2,Air plants,82,Akebia,2,Aldrovanda,1,Alocasia,37,Aloe,1,Amesiella,3,Amydrium,3,Anathallis,4,Ancistrochilus,1,Angraecopsis,1,Angraecum,31,Anguloa,2,Annual,18,Anoectochilus,3,Ansellia,1,Anthurium,30,Ardisia,1,Aronia,1,Arpophyllum,1,Arundina,1,Ascocentrum,5,Aspasia,5,Aster,6,Astrophytum,2,Asystasia,1,Aucuba,1,Austrocylindropuntia,1,Barkeria,8,Beallara,1,Begonia,1,Benzingia,1,Berlandiera,1,Bifrenaria,5,Bletilla,1,Bougainvillea,5,Brachtia,1,Brasiliorchis,1,Brassavola,5,Brassia,21,Bryobium,1,Bryophyllum,1,Bulbophyllum,41,Cactus,51,Cadetia,2,Caladium,105,Calanthe,21,Calathea,16,Campsis,1,Capanemia,1,Carnivorous plant,12,Catasetum,62,Cattleya,58,Cedrus,3,Celosia,3,Ceratocentron,1,Ceratostylis,2,Cereus,2,Chiloschista,4,Chlorophytum,1,Chondroscaphe,3,Chysis,2,Cirrhaea,1,Cischweinfia,1,Clematis,1,Clowesia,1,Cochlioda,2,Codiaeum,1,Coelia,1,Coelogyne,35,Coilostylis,1,Coleus,1,Comparettia,2,Conifers,39,Cordyline,3,Coryanthes,2,Cosmos,1,Crassothonna,1,Crassula,1,Crotalaria,1,Cuitlauzina,2,Cyclamen,23,Cycnoches,7,Cymbidiella,1,Cymbidium,53,Cypripedium,14,Cyrtochiloides,1,Cyrtochilum,2,Cyrtorchis,2,Darlingtonia,1,Darmera,1,Degarmoara,1,Dendrobium,213,Dendrochilum,5,Dendrophylax,1,Dieffenbachia,27,Diodonopsis,2,Dionaea,1,Diplocaulobium,1,Disa,2,Disocactus,1,Dockrillia,8,Domingoa,1,Dracaena,6,Dracula,13,Dryadella,3,Dyakia,1,Echeveria,43,Echinocactus,2,Echinocereus,2,Embreea,1,Encyclia,24,Ensete,1,Epidendrum,12,Epigeneium,3,Epilobium,1,Epipactis,5,Epiphyllum,2,Epipremnum,5,Eria,1,Erycina,2,Erythronium,1,Esmeralda,1,Euchile,2,Eulophia,1,Euphorbia,1,Eurychone,2,Eustoma,3,Fernandezia,2,Fittonia,3,Galeandra,1,Galeottia,1,Gardenia,8,Gastrochilus,3,Gerbera,6,Ginkgo,1,Goeppertia,17,Gomesa,3,Gongora,2,Grammatophyllum,3,Graptopetalum,1,Guarianthe,3,Gymnocalycium,2,Gynura,1,Habenaria,2,Haraella,1,Hatiora,1,Haworthia,1,Hedera,1,Helcia,1,Herb,334,Heuchera,222,Heucherella,12,Hosta,114,Houlletia,1,Hoya,2,Humulus,1,Hybrid,27,Hydrangea,28,Hylostachys,1,Hylotelephium,2,Hymenorchis,1,Hypoestes,4,Ionopsis,1,Isabelia,2,Isochilus,1,Jasminum,6,Jatropha,1,Jumellea,2,Juniperus,1,Kalanchoe,32,Kefersteinia,3,Laelia,15,Larix,4,Lepanthes,2,Leptotes,1,Lithops,27,Lockhartia,1,Ludisia,1,Lycaste,3,Macodes,1,Macroclinium,5,Mammillaria,2,Masdevallia,124,Maxillaria,43,Mazus,1,Mediocalcar,1,Meiracyllium,1,Mentha,1,Mexicoa,1,Microterangis,1,Miltonia,14,Miltoniopsis,12,Monstera,1,Mormodes,4,Musella,1,Myoporum,1,Myrmecophila,1,Mystacidium,3,Nageia,1,Nandina,7,Neobathiea,1,Neobenthamia,1,Neofinetia,1,Notylia,2,Odontoglossum,19,Oeoniella,1,Oestlundia,1,Oncidium,37,Ophrys,11,Opuntia,4,Orchid,1543,Orostachys,1,Others Genus,245,Othonna,1,Otoglossum,1,Pabstia,1,Pachyphytum,1,Paphinia,2,Paphiopedilum,77,Papilionanthe,2,Parodia,2,Pecteilis,1,Peperomia,2,Perennials,881,Peristeria,2,Pescatoria,8,Petrosedum,3,Petunia,8,Phaius,5,Phalaenopsis,65,Phedimus,5,Philodendron,52,Pholidota,2,Phragmipedium,16,Phyla,1,Pilea,12,Pinus,25,Platanthera,6,Plectranthus,9,Plectrelminthus,1,Pleione,18,Pleroma,1,Pleurothallis,10,Plumeria,1,Podangis,1,Podocarpus,2,Polystachya,14,Ponthieva,1,Pothos,1,Promenaea,2,Prosthechea,18,Pseudolarix,1,Psychopsiella,1,Psychopsis,5,Pteris,1,Pteroceras,1,Puna,2,Rangaeris,2,Renanthera,4,Restrepia,8,Rhaphidophora,5,Rhipsalis,14,Rhododendron,40,Rhyncholaelia,2,Rhynchostele,8,Rhynchostylis,2,Robiquetia,1,Rodriguezia,4,Rodrigueziopsis,1,Rossioglossum,4,Rudolfiella,1,Ruellia,1,Saintpaulia,1,Salvia,36,Sansevieria,1,Sarcochilus,4,Sarracenia,9,Scaphosepalum,1,Schlumbergera,10,Schoenorchis,1,Scindapsus,2,Scuticaria,1,Sedirea,1,Sedum,148,Selaginella,1,Selenicereus,1,Sempervivum,9,Shrubs,132,Sievekingia,1,Sigmatostalix,3,Sobennikoffia,2,Sobralia,1,Solenidiopsis,1,Sophronitis,1,Spathiphyllum,1,Spathoglottis,10,Specklinia,1,Sporobolus,1,Stanhopea,13,Stauntonia,1,Stelis,1,Stenoglottis,1,Streptocarpus,1,Strobilanthes,1,Succulents,290,Sudamerlycaste,1,Symphyglossum,1,Thaumatophyllum,2,Thunia,1,Tibouchina,1,Tillandsia,82,Tolumnia,7,Trachelospermum,1,Tree,50,Trichocentrum,7,Trichoglottis,4,Trichopilia,8,Trisetella,1,Tsuga,1,Turbinicarpus,2,Vanda,8,Vandopsis,1,Vanilla,1,Vines and Climbing Plants,83,Vitis,1,Warczewiczella,2,Warmingia,1,Wisteria,1,Zamioculcas,1,Zelenkoa,1,Zygopetalum,13,Zygosepalum,2,
Travaldo's blog: Orchid plant care and culture
Orchid plant care and culture
Orchids flowers are favored by consumers for their distinctive beauty and diverse forms. They have almost all the colors in the rainbow and the combinations of those colors. The smallest orchid flower is only a grain of rice, while the largest orchid is about 1 m in diameter. Here are some species and the care tips, culture information to help you successfully grow and care yours orchids:...
Travaldo's blog
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