
Stanhopea jenischiana care and culture

Stanhopea jenischiana is native to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. In Colombia, they grow near Popayan along the western slopes of the Andes, at an altitude of 800-1500 m. They usually grow epiphytically in rainforests, periodically dry, on mountain slopes and forestry commas...

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Stanhopea orchid plant care and culture
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 Stanhopea jenischiana also called as Jenisch's Stanhopea, Anguloa grandiflora, Epidendrum grandiflorum, Stanhopea bucephalus var. guttata, Stanhopea bucephalus var. jenischiana, Stanhopea bucephalus var.roezlii, Stanhopea grandiflora, Stanhopea grandiflora var. jenischiana, Stanhopea guttata, Stanhopea hoppii, is a species of the genus Stanhopea. This species was described by Franz August Kramer ex Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach in 1851.


 Stanhopea jenischiana is native to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. In Colombia, they grow near Popayan along the western slopes of the Andes, at an altitude of 800-1500 m. They usually grow epiphytically in rainforests, periodically dry, on mountain slopes and forestry commas. It happens to meet them sometimes growing on the ground with low vegetation. In Ecuador, they grow in periodically dry, mountainous, wet forests in the province of El Oro near Zarum, at an altitude of 1300 m and near Pacha at an altitude of 1400 m. For the first time, this plant was found on tree branches near Cuenca in Ecuador, and since then it was found in the hills stretching from Guayaquil to Cuenca, at an altitude of 1830 m. In Peru, they were grown in Iquitos, but they were harvested in tropical, humid woods, probably in the Amazonas Department. In Venezuela, they were encountered in La Aquadita, near Las Delicias, at an altitude of around 1650 m.

 It is a medium sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte or occasional terrestrial, which reaching 40-50 cm in height, with ribbed, globose, 7 cm long and 3.8 cm in diameter pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, plicate, gradually narrows below into the elongate, channeled petiolate base, 30 cm long and 10 cm wide leaf.

Stanhopea jenischiana care and culture
© Orchi | CC BY-SA 3.0

 Jenisch's Stanhopea blooms on a basal, pendant to lateral, racemose, 30 cm long, 4 to 7 flowered inflorescence with large, chartaceous bracts and arising on a mature pseudobulb. The flowers are 5 cm in diameter, are orange-yellow to gold, with very dark chestnut-red spots on the lip and often have a dark color at the base of the petals. The petals are slightly smaller than the sepals, curved, with two small processes at the base. The lip is orange with a dark purplish-brown hue that pale to almost white at the top. On the basis of the lip on each side there are dark "eyes". The middle and upper parts of the lip are waxy-white with a few small specks. The middle part is decorated with two fleshy curved "horns".


 Cultural information should only be used as a guide, and should be to be adapted to suit you. Your physical location; where you grow your plants, how much time you have to devote to their care, and many other factors, will need to be taken into account. Only then can you decide on the cultural methods that best suit you and your plants.


 Stanhopea jenischiana needs a light level of 25000-35000 lux. The light should be slightly filtered or scattered, and the plant should not be exposed to the direct sunlight of the midday sun. Stanhopea is not very happy when the light level is low, but on the other hand their leaves are easily burned and yellowing at its too high level. Strong air movement should be ensured all the time.

Stanhopea jenischiana care and culture
© Orchi | CC BY-SA 3.0


 The average temperature of the summer day is 25-26 ° C, the night 14-15 ° C, and the daily difference is 11-12 ° C. The average temperature of the winter day is 23 ° C, the night 12-13 ° C, and the daily difference is 10-11 ° C.


 Jenisch's Stanhopea needs the humidity of almost 75% throughout the year.

Substrate, growing media and repotting:

 The drooping inflorescences grow from the bases of pseudobulbs and therefore it is probably best to cultivate Stanhopea jenischiana mounted closely to the patches of tree ferns. Such cultivation requires, however, maintaining high humidity, and in the summer of daily watering. In the case of such suspended plants, during the dry and hot periods it may be necessary to water several times a day.

 They are also grown in wire baskets with large mesh moss-covered with sphagnum moss and filled with loose, fast-drying soil. The substrate should remain moist, but it can not be wet, because the roots must dry relatively quickly after waterings.

 Repotting or dividing a plant should only be done when the growth of new roots begins. This allows the plants to acclimatize in a relatively short time and provides them with the least stress.


 Precipitation is slight to moderate throughout the year. The plants should often be watered during active growth, but their roots must dry out between waterings. The substrate around the roots can never be soggy or stale.

Stanhopea jenischiana care and culture


 It is recommended to apply a 1/4-1/2 dose of fertilizer for orchids every week in the growing season. You can use sustainable fertilizer throughout the year; or use high-nitrogen fertilizer from spring to mid-summer, and then high-phosphoric fertilizer until the end of autumn.

Rest period:

 In winter, you needs reduce the amount of water, but the plants do not dry excessively or stay dry for too long. It is recommends that Stanhopea jenischiana, after completion of the growth of new pseudobulbs, needs to undergo a monthly rest period without watering the substrate. Occasional fogging between rare waterings in this period should protect the plants from excessive drying. Fertilization should be reduced or eliminated until new growths appear in spring and greater watering starts.



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Abelia,7,Abutilon,2,Acalypha,1,Acampe,1,acianthera,1,Acineta,8,Acriopsis,1,Ada,3,Adenium,3,Adromischus,1,Aeonium,2,Aerangis,30,Aeranthes,8,Aerides,19,Aganisia,2,Agapanthus,10,Agapetes,1,Agave,9,Aglaonema,75,Aichryson,2,Air plants,82,Akebia,2,Aldrovanda,1,Alocasia,37,Aloe,1,Amesiella,3,Amydrium,3,Anathallis,4,Ancistrochilus,1,Angraecopsis,1,Angraecum,31,Anguloa,2,Annual,18,Anoectochilus,3,Ansellia,1,Anthurium,30,Ardisia,1,Aronia,1,Arpophyllum,1,Arundina,1,Ascocentrum,5,Aspasia,5,Aster,6,Astrophytum,2,Asystasia,1,Aucuba,1,Austrocylindropuntia,1,Barkeria,8,Beallara,1,Begonia,1,Benzingia,1,Berlandiera,1,Bifrenaria,5,Bletilla,1,Bougainvillea,5,Brachtia,1,Brasiliorchis,1,Brassavola,5,Brassia,21,Bryobium,1,Bryophyllum,1,Bulbophyllum,41,Cactus,51,Cadetia,2,Caladium,105,Calanthe,21,Calathea,16,Campsis,1,Capanemia,1,Carnivorous plant,12,Catasetum,62,Cattleya,58,Cedrus,3,Celosia,3,Ceratocentron,1,Ceratostylis,2,Cereus,2,Chiloschista,4,Chlorophytum,1,Chondroscaphe,3,Chysis,2,Cirrhaea,1,Cischweinfia,1,Clematis,1,Clowesia,1,Cochlioda,2,Codiaeum,1,Coelia,1,Coelogyne,35,Coilostylis,1,Coleus,1,Comparettia,2,Conifers,39,Cordyline,3,Coryanthes,2,Cosmos,1,Crassothonna,1,Crassula,1,Crotalaria,1,Cuitlauzina,2,Cyclamen,23,Cycnoches,7,Cymbidiella,1,Cymbidium,53,Cypripedium,14,Cyrtochiloides,1,Cyrtochilum,2,Cyrtorchis,2,Darlingtonia,1,Darmera,1,Degarmoara,1,Dendrobium,213,Dendrochilum,5,Dendrophylax,1,Dieffenbachia,27,Diodonopsis,2,Dionaea,1,Diplocaulobium,1,Disa,2,Disocactus,1,Dockrillia,8,Domingoa,1,Dracaena,6,Dracula,13,Dryadella,3,Dyakia,1,Echeveria,43,Echinocactus,2,Echinocereus,2,Embreea,1,Encyclia,24,Ensete,1,Epidendrum,12,Epigeneium,3,Epilobium,1,Epipactis,5,Epiphyllum,2,Epipremnum,5,Eria,1,Erycina,2,Erythronium,1,Esmeralda,1,Euchile,2,Eulophia,1,Euphorbia,1,Eurychone,2,Eustoma,3,Fernandezia,2,Fittonia,3,Galeandra,1,Galeottia,1,Gardenia,8,Gastrochilus,3,Gerbera,6,Ginkgo,1,Goeppertia,17,Gomesa,3,Gongora,2,Grammatophyllum,3,Graptopetalum,1,Guarianthe,3,Gymnocalycium,2,Gynura,1,Habenaria,2,Haraella,1,Hatiora,1,Haworthia,1,Hedera,1,Helcia,1,Herb,334,Heuchera,222,Heucherella,12,Hosta,114,Houlletia,1,Hoya,2,Humulus,1,Hybrid,27,Hydrangea,28,Hylostachys,1,Hylotelephium,2,Hymenorchis,1,Hypoestes,4,Ionopsis,1,Isabelia,2,Isochilus,1,Jasminum,6,Jatropha,1,Jumellea,2,Juniperus,1,Kalanchoe,32,Kefersteinia,3,Laelia,15,Larix,4,Lepanthes,2,Leptotes,1,Lithops,27,Lockhartia,1,Ludisia,1,Lycaste,3,Macodes,1,Macroclinium,5,Mammillaria,2,Masdevallia,124,Maxillaria,43,Mazus,1,Mediocalcar,1,Meiracyllium,1,Mentha,1,Mexicoa,1,Microterangis,1,Miltonia,14,Miltoniopsis,12,Monstera,1,Mormodes,4,Musella,1,Myoporum,1,Myrmecophila,1,Mystacidium,3,Nageia,1,Nandina,7,Neobathiea,1,Neobenthamia,1,Neofinetia,1,Notylia,2,Odontoglossum,19,Oeoniella,1,Oestlundia,1,Oncidium,37,Ophrys,11,Opuntia,4,Orchid,1543,Orostachys,1,Others Genus,245,Othonna,1,Otoglossum,1,Pabstia,1,Pachyphytum,1,Paphinia,2,Paphiopedilum,77,Papilionanthe,2,Parodia,2,Pecteilis,1,Peperomia,2,Perennials,881,Peristeria,2,Pescatoria,8,Petrosedum,3,Petunia,8,Phaius,5,Phalaenopsis,65,Phedimus,5,Philodendron,52,Pholidota,2,Phragmipedium,16,Phyla,1,Pilea,12,Pinus,25,Platanthera,6,Plectranthus,9,Plectrelminthus,1,Pleione,18,Pleroma,1,Pleurothallis,10,Plumeria,1,Podangis,1,Podocarpus,2,Polystachya,14,Ponthieva,1,Pothos,1,Promenaea,2,Prosthechea,18,Pseudolarix,1,Psychopsiella,1,Psychopsis,5,Pteris,1,Pteroceras,1,Puna,2,Rangaeris,2,Renanthera,4,Restrepia,8,Rhaphidophora,5,Rhipsalis,14,Rhododendron,40,Rhyncholaelia,2,Rhynchostele,8,Rhynchostylis,2,Robiquetia,1,Rodriguezia,4,Rodrigueziopsis,1,Rossioglossum,4,Rudolfiella,1,Ruellia,1,Saintpaulia,1,Salvia,36,Sansevieria,1,Sarcochilus,4,Sarracenia,9,Scaphosepalum,1,Schlumbergera,10,Schoenorchis,1,Scindapsus,2,Scuticaria,1,Sedirea,1,Sedum,148,Selaginella,1,Selenicereus,1,Sempervivum,9,Shrubs,132,Sievekingia,1,Sigmatostalix,3,Sobennikoffia,2,Sobralia,1,Solenidiopsis,1,Sophronitis,1,Spathiphyllum,1,Spathoglottis,10,Specklinia,1,Sporobolus,1,Stanhopea,13,Stauntonia,1,Stelis,1,Stenoglottis,1,Streptocarpus,1,Strobilanthes,1,Succulents,290,Sudamerlycaste,1,Symphyglossum,1,Thaumatophyllum,2,Thunia,1,Tibouchina,1,Tillandsia,82,Tolumnia,7,Trachelospermum,1,Tree,50,Trichocentrum,7,Trichoglottis,4,Trichopilia,8,Trisetella,1,Tsuga,1,Turbinicarpus,2,Vanda,8,Vandopsis,1,Vanilla,1,Vines and Climbing Plants,83,Vitis,1,Warczewiczella,2,Warmingia,1,Wisteria,1,Zamioculcas,1,Zelenkoa,1,Zygopetalum,13,Zygosepalum,2,
Travaldo's blog: Stanhopea jenischiana care and culture
Stanhopea jenischiana care and culture
Stanhopea jenischiana is native to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. In Colombia, they grow near Popayan along the western slopes of the Andes, at an altitude of 800-1500 m. They usually grow epiphytically in rainforests, periodically dry, on mountain slopes and forestry commas...
Travaldo's blog
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