
Paphiopedilum primulinum care and culture

Paphiopedilum primulinum is endemic to Sumatra (southern Aceh), near Blang Kejeren and near Tapaktuan at 1000 m above sea level and on the west coast at 500 m above sea level. It grows in the humus on limestone, in the shade or even exposed to light...

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 Paphiopedilum primulinum also called as The Primrose Yellow Paphiopedilum, Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum f. primulinum, Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum subsp. liemianum forma primulinum, Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum var. flavum, Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum var. primulinum, Paphiopedilum liemianum f. purpurascens, Paphiopedilum liemianum var. primulinum, Paphiopedilum primulinum f. purpurascens, Paphiopedilum victoria-regina f. purpurascens, Paphiopedilum victoria regina subsp. primulinum, is a species of the genus Paphiopedilum. This species was described by M.W.Wood & Peter Taylor in 1973.


 Paphiopedilum primulinum is endemic to Sumatra (southern Aceh), near Blang Kejeren and near Tapaktuan at 1000 m above sea level and on the west coast at 500 m above sea level. It grows in the humus on limestone, in the shade or even exposed to light.

Paphiopedilum primulinum care and culture

 It is a small sized, hot to warm growing, multi-flowered terrestrial with distichous, oblong-lanceolate, clear green, 15-17 cm long, 2-4 cm wide leaves that are tridenticulate apically.

 The Primrose Yellow Paphiopedilum blooms on an erect, 10 to 30 cm long, green, pubescent inflorescence that has several flowers that open in succession from the lowest out, occuring through the summer months. The flowers are about 4 cm in diameter.


 Cultural information should only be used as a guide, and should be to be adapted to suit you. Your physical location; where you grow your plants, how much time you have to devote to their care, and many other factors, will need to be taken into account. Only then can you decide on the cultural methods that best suit you and your plants.


 Paphiopedilum primulinum loves lots of light (without which it does not bloom), but the direct rays of the sun must be shielded. The ideal lux is 20000-22000, the photoperiod must be 12-14 hours.

Paphiopedilum primulinum care and culture
© tgorchids


 The temperature should be 20-25 ° C during the day and 16-18 ° C at night. It can also adapt to a few degrees more, but daytime temperatures should never exceed 29 ° C.


 Being cultivated in pots, this orchid is content with 50-60%. If the humidity is lower than 45%, the orchid can slow down a lot or even stop its growth.

Substrate, growing media and repotting:

 Paphiopedilum primulinum is grown in pots only. Medium-sized pine bark (2-3 cm), or a mixture of pine bark (60%), coconut fiber (30%), and coconut flakes (10%) are used as a substrate. The ideal pH of the substrate must be 6.9-7.5: if it is lower or higher, the roots can not take any important substance, which causes the yellowing of the leaves. To avoid the excessive accumulation of mineral salts in the substrate, the repotting must be quite frequent, at least once a year. When we repot the orchid, the substrate must cover all the roots.

 You can place the plant outdoors, choosing a luminous position, protected from direct sunlight and rainfall, but only in the period when night temperatures remain above 15 ° C and daytime temperatures above 20 ° C.


 In its natural habitats, precipitation is constant throughout the year. The orchid should be water regularly and abundantly, as soon as the substrate has dried out well enough, but before it becomes completely dry.

Paphiopedilum primulinum care and culture
© Daderot


 This species is fertilized once every 3-4 watering (but no more often than once every 2 weeks), with 1/2 of the dose indicated on the vial of a special liquid fertilizer for orchids. Before fertilizing the orchid it is necessary to water it to avoid the harmful contact of the manure with the dry roots.

Rest period:

 The blooms of Paphiopedilum primulinum are stimulated by daily changes of 3-4 ° C between day and night and adequate light. Keep in mind that in winter the substrate dries much slower than in summer, so the watering will be much less frequent.



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Abelia,7,Abutilon,2,Acalypha,1,Acampe,1,acianthera,1,Acineta,8,Acriopsis,1,Ada,3,Adenium,3,Adromischus,1,Aeonium,2,Aerangis,30,Aeranthes,8,Aerides,19,Aganisia,2,Agapanthus,10,Agapetes,1,Agave,9,Aglaonema,75,Aichryson,2,Air plants,82,Akebia,2,Aldrovanda,1,Alocasia,37,Aloe,1,Amesiella,3,Amydrium,3,Anathallis,4,Ancistrochilus,1,Angraecopsis,1,Angraecum,31,Anguloa,2,Annual,18,Anoectochilus,3,Ansellia,1,Anthurium,30,Ardisia,1,Aronia,1,Arpophyllum,1,Arundina,1,Ascocentrum,5,Aspasia,5,Aster,6,Astrophytum,2,Asystasia,1,Aucuba,1,Austrocylindropuntia,1,Barkeria,8,Beallara,1,Begonia,1,Benzingia,1,Berlandiera,1,Bifrenaria,5,Bletilla,1,Bougainvillea,5,Brachtia,1,Brasiliorchis,1,Brassavola,5,Brassia,21,Bryobium,1,Bryophyllum,1,Bulbophyllum,41,Cactus,51,Cadetia,2,Caladium,105,Calanthe,21,Calathea,16,Campsis,1,Capanemia,1,Carnivorous plant,12,Catasetum,62,Cattleya,58,Cedrus,3,Celosia,3,Ceratocentron,1,Ceratostylis,2,Cereus,2,Chiloschista,4,Chlorophytum,1,Chondroscaphe,3,Chysis,2,Cirrhaea,1,Cischweinfia,1,Clematis,1,Clowesia,1,Cochlioda,2,Codiaeum,1,Coelia,1,Coelogyne,35,Coilostylis,1,Coleus,1,Comparettia,2,Conifers,39,Cordyline,3,Coryanthes,2,Cosmos,1,Crassothonna,1,Crassula,1,Crotalaria,1,Cuitlauzina,2,Cyclamen,23,Cycnoches,7,Cymbidiella,1,Cymbidium,53,Cypripedium,14,Cyrtochiloides,1,Cyrtochilum,2,Cyrtorchis,2,Darlingtonia,1,Darmera,1,Degarmoara,1,Dendrobium,213,Dendrochilum,5,Dendrophylax,1,Dieffenbachia,27,Diodonopsis,2,Dionaea,1,Diplocaulobium,1,Disa,2,Disocactus,1,Dockrillia,8,Domingoa,1,Dracaena,6,Dracula,13,Dryadella,3,Dyakia,1,Echeveria,43,Echinocactus,2,Echinocereus,2,Embreea,1,Encyclia,24,Ensete,1,Epidendrum,12,Epigeneium,3,Epilobium,1,Epipactis,5,Epiphyllum,2,Epipremnum,5,Eria,1,Erycina,2,Erythronium,1,Esmeralda,1,Euchile,2,Eulophia,1,Euphorbia,1,Eurychone,2,Eustoma,3,Fernandezia,2,Fittonia,3,Galeandra,1,Galeottia,1,Gardenia,8,Gastrochilus,3,Gerbera,6,Ginkgo,1,Goeppertia,17,Gomesa,3,Gongora,2,Grammatophyllum,3,Graptopetalum,1,Guarianthe,3,Gymnocalycium,2,Gynura,1,Habenaria,2,Haraella,1,Hatiora,1,Haworthia,1,Hedera,1,Helcia,1,Herb,334,Heuchera,222,Heucherella,12,Hosta,114,Houlletia,1,Hoya,2,Humulus,1,Hybrid,27,Hydrangea,28,Hylostachys,1,Hylotelephium,2,Hymenorchis,1,Hypoestes,4,Ionopsis,1,Isabelia,2,Isochilus,1,Jasminum,6,Jatropha,1,Jumellea,2,Juniperus,1,Kalanchoe,32,Kefersteinia,3,Laelia,15,Larix,4,Lepanthes,2,Leptotes,1,Lithops,27,Lockhartia,1,Ludisia,1,Lycaste,3,Macodes,1,Macroclinium,5,Mammillaria,2,Masdevallia,124,Maxillaria,43,Mazus,1,Mediocalcar,1,Meiracyllium,1,Mentha,1,Mexicoa,1,Microterangis,1,Miltonia,14,Miltoniopsis,12,Monstera,1,Mormodes,4,Musella,1,Myoporum,1,Myrmecophila,1,Mystacidium,3,Nageia,1,Nandina,7,Neobathiea,1,Neobenthamia,1,Neofinetia,1,Notylia,2,Odontoglossum,19,Oeoniella,1,Oestlundia,1,Oncidium,37,Ophrys,11,Opuntia,4,Orchid,1543,Orostachys,1,Others Genus,245,Othonna,1,Otoglossum,1,Pabstia,1,Pachyphytum,1,Paphinia,2,Paphiopedilum,77,Papilionanthe,2,Parodia,2,Pecteilis,1,Peperomia,2,Perennials,881,Peristeria,2,Pescatoria,8,Petrosedum,3,Petunia,8,Phaius,5,Phalaenopsis,65,Phedimus,5,Philodendron,52,Pholidota,2,Phragmipedium,16,Phyla,1,Pilea,12,Pinus,25,Platanthera,6,Plectranthus,9,Plectrelminthus,1,Pleione,18,Pleroma,1,Pleurothallis,10,Plumeria,1,Podangis,1,Podocarpus,2,Polystachya,14,Ponthieva,1,Pothos,1,Promenaea,2,Prosthechea,18,Pseudolarix,1,Psychopsiella,1,Psychopsis,5,Pteris,1,Pteroceras,1,Puna,2,Rangaeris,2,Renanthera,4,Restrepia,8,Rhaphidophora,5,Rhipsalis,14,Rhododendron,40,Rhyncholaelia,2,Rhynchostele,8,Rhynchostylis,2,Robiquetia,1,Rodriguezia,4,Rodrigueziopsis,1,Rossioglossum,4,Rudolfiella,1,Ruellia,1,Saintpaulia,1,Salvia,36,Sansevieria,1,Sarcochilus,4,Sarracenia,9,Scaphosepalum,1,Schlumbergera,10,Schoenorchis,1,Scindapsus,2,Scuticaria,1,Sedirea,1,Sedum,148,Selaginella,1,Selenicereus,1,Sempervivum,9,Shrubs,132,Sievekingia,1,Sigmatostalix,3,Sobennikoffia,2,Sobralia,1,Solenidiopsis,1,Sophronitis,1,Spathiphyllum,1,Spathoglottis,10,Specklinia,1,Sporobolus,1,Stanhopea,13,Stauntonia,1,Stelis,1,Stenoglottis,1,Streptocarpus,1,Strobilanthes,1,Succulents,290,Sudamerlycaste,1,Symphyglossum,1,Thaumatophyllum,2,Thunia,1,Tibouchina,1,Tillandsia,82,Tolumnia,7,Trachelospermum,1,Tree,50,Trichocentrum,7,Trichoglottis,4,Trichopilia,8,Trisetella,1,Tsuga,1,Turbinicarpus,2,Vanda,8,Vandopsis,1,Vanilla,1,Vines and Climbing Plants,83,Vitis,1,Warczewiczella,2,Warmingia,1,Wisteria,1,Zamioculcas,1,Zelenkoa,1,Zygopetalum,13,Zygosepalum,2,
Travaldo's blog: Paphiopedilum primulinum care and culture
Paphiopedilum primulinum care and culture
Paphiopedilum primulinum is endemic to Sumatra (southern Aceh), near Blang Kejeren and near Tapaktuan at 1000 m above sea level and on the west coast at 500 m above sea level. It grows in the humus on limestone, in the shade or even exposed to light...
Travaldo's blog
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