Dendrobium anosmum is widespread from the Philippines to New Guinea, including in Borneo and many islands in Indonesia. He also meets in Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. On the islands of Luzon and Mindanao, this orchid can be found in mountain forests at a height below 750 m. In Papua New Guinea, it grows on trees with uneven crust at altitudes up to 1300 m above sea level.
Dendrobium anosmum, also called as Unscented Dendrobium, Callista anosma, Callista macrophylla, Callista scortechinii, Dendrobium anosmum var. dearie, Dendrobium anosmum var. giganteum, Dendrobium anosmum var. huttonii, Dendrobium dayanum, Dendrobium leucorhodum, Dendrobium macranthum, Dendrobium macrophyllum, Dendrobium retusum, Dendrobium scortechinii, Dendrobium superbum, Dendrobium superbum var anosmum, Dendrobium superbum var. burkei, Dendrobium superbum var. dearie, Dendrobium superbum var. huttonii, is a species of the genus Dendrobium. This species was described by Lindley in 1845.
Dendrobium anosmum is widely distributed. Plants meet from the Philippines to New Guinea, including Borneo and many islands of Indonesia. They are also found in Malaya, on the peninsula in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. On the island of Luzon and in the Davao Province on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, they grow in mountain forests usually below 750 m. Dendrobium anosmum often grows together with Aerides quiquevulnerum and Anota violacea (Rhynchostylis retusa). In Papua New Guinea, plants are popular in the areas of Bulolo and Wau, where they grow on trees with uneven bark from sea level to a height of 1300 m.
It is a very large sized, can reach 100-300 cm in height, pendulous, cane, hot to cool growing orchid with terete, arching to pendulous, to 4' (120 cm) long, many noded stem with each node enveloped by a loose fitting sheath and carrying oblong elliptic, acute, deciduous, 12-18 cm long, sharpened tops, fleshy and glossy green leaves.
Unscented Dendrobium blooms in the spring with 8 to 10 flowers which arise from the nodes all along the apice of the leafless cane and are held close in, it is quite scented. The flowers are usually 7-10 cm in diameter, but some forms may be smaller, while others may not open completely. The color of the flowers varies from dark pink to deep lavender, including intermediate shades. Translucent flower elements are darker at the base and lighter at the apex. The wide petals of the inner whorl and the narrower petals of the outer whorl are usually of the same color with the darker veins. Some forms of alba and semi-alba have white petals of both whorls with a yellow hue on the lip, but it happens, though rarely, that the petals of both whorls are white and the lip is pink. The lip is hairy inside and usually has deep purple stripes in the throat. These strips can almost come down, and then the lip appears purple with a white border. The lip is longer than the dorsolateral and usually has a heart-shaped shape, but this shape is very variable.
Although the flowers do not always smell, sometimes they give off a strong, pleasant scent reminiscent of raspberries, although some associate the smell with rhubarb or mustard. The flower lasts about 3 weeks, but it can be extended using cooler growing conditions.
Usually the leaves last only 1 season and fall after the appearance of flower buds, but if the conditions of cultivation are moderate, they can survive even to flower fading. Do not remove the leaves even if they are dry, because then it is very easy to damage the buds forming in leaf angles.
Dendrobium anosmum needs a light level of 20000-30000 lux in summer. Clear, diffused light is recommended. Ideally, the plants should be shaded in the morning, at noon.
The average temperature of the day throughout the year is 26-30 ° C, night 16-20 ° C, giving a daily difference of 7-11 ° C.
Unscented Dendrobium needs the average humidity of 80-90% in summer and autumn, falling in late winter and spring to almost 70%.
Substrate, growing media and repotting:
Dendrobium anosmum are best mounted on tree fern washers or placed in hanging baskets due to their overhanging habit. Baskets can be filled with any loose substrate. Humidity should be high and plants should be watered in summer at least once a day. If you have to grow them in pots, the pot should be as small as possible and filled with any loose, quickly drying ground. Repotting is best done in early spring immediately after flowering, when new roots begin to grow.
In the summer the watering is very abundant, in the autumn moderate, and in the winter and spring slight. This plants should be kept moist during the growing season, but in the autumn the amount of water should be gradually reduced. The amount of water supplied should be gradually increased from late winter, when flower buds begin to grow.
It is recommended to feed a weekly fertilizer orchid 1/2 dose. From spring to mid-summer, a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content is useful, and then you should switch to a fertilizer with high phosphorus content and apply it until the end of autumn. Dendrobium anosmum grows very quickly in spring and summer and requires a higher level of nutrients.
Rest period:
In the period of 3-4 winter months, the amount of water should be reduced and allow the plants to dry between watering. However, they should not remain dry for a longer period. Fertilization should be reduced when reduce the amount of water.
My leaves are getting spotted, is that a problem? This is my first time with this type.
DeleteGreat job.