
Coelogyne stricta care and culture

Coelogyne stricta is found in northeastern India, Nepal, Bhutan, upper Myanmar, China and Vietnam. It grows on trees along steep riverbanks in lower and upper montane forests at elevations of 1100-2000 meters above sea level.

Coelogyne orchid care and culture
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 Coelogyne stricta also called as The Rigid Coelogyne, Coelogyne elata, Cymbidium strictum, Pleione elata, is a species of the genus Coelogyne. This species was described by Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter in 1919.


 Coelogyne stricta is found in northeastern India, Nepal, Bhutan, upper Myanmar, China and Vietnam. It grows on trees along steep riverbanks in lower and upper montane forests at elevations of 1100-2000 meters above sea level.

Coelogyne stricta care and culture
© Piotr

 It is a medium sized, warm to cold growing epiphyte with 5 cm between each, oblong-cylindrical, glossy green, 7-13 x 2.5-5 cm pseudobulb enveloped basally by a few imbricate sheaths and carrying 2, apical, elliptic-oblong, acute, coriaceous, plicate, gradually narrowing below into the elongate petiolate base, 14-27 x 4-5 cm leaves.

 The Rigid Coelogyne blooms in the spring on an erect, 40 cm long, 6 to 15 flowered inflorescence arising on a mature pseudobulb and enveloped by imbricate sheaths at the juncture of the peduncle and rachis, all carrying simultaneously opening, fragrant flowers. The flowers are white, lip with yellow spots, lamellae tinged with red in apical part.


 Cultural information should only be used as a guide, and should be to be adapted to suit you. Your physical location; where you grow your plants, how much time you have to devote to their care, and many other factors, will need to be taken into account. Only then can you decide on the cultural methods that best suit you and your plants.


 Coelogyne stricta needs the light level of 20000-30000 lux. The light should be filtered or dispersed, and the plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight in the afternoon hours. Strong air movement should be ensured all the time.

Coelogyne stricta care and culture
© Piotr


 It is a plant with moderate to cold requirements. The average temperature of the summer day is 21-24 ° C, night 14-15 ° C, which gives a daily amplitude of 6-9 ° C. The average temperature of the winter day is 11-13 ° C, and the night 2-4 ° C, the daily amplitude is 8-9 ° C.


 The Rigid Coelogyne needs the humidity of almost 85% in summer and early spring, falling to 60-70% at the beginning of winter. Too dry air has a negative effect on the development of the plant: its growth is inhibited, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out. The higher temperature, the higher the humidity should be, and the higher the humidity, the more often and longer it is necessary to ventilate the room where the plants are contained, otherwise the probability of rotting and various kinds of fungal diseases.

Substrate, growing media and repotting:

 Coelogyne stricta grow well attached to pieces of tree fern or cork, but during the hot and clear summer days it requires high humidity and several waterings during the day. These plants are also planted into flat containers or baskets, using a loose, fast-drying substrate. Small or medium bark, tree fern fibers or mixtures with various additives such as charcoal, perlite, or cut sphagnum moss are often used as substrates.

 You can grown in mesh baskets with 6 mm mesh, lined with coconut fiber or sphagnum moss. The substrate contains, in equal parts, fine and medium-sized tree fern fiber with the addition of 10% fine charcoal, 10% perlite or pumice, and 10% chopped sphagnum or moss. With a strong air movement, this mixture allows even shedding, because the substrate does not soak or dry completely between watering. Ferns of tree fern do not undergo too rapid decomposition, which means that it is not necessary to over-fertilize too often.

 The plant should be replanted as little as possible, because this shock may even stop flowering for the next three years, which is why slowly decomposing substrates are so desirable. Some believe that as long as the substrate is still loose and well-aerated, it is better to simply cut old, drying pseudobulbs than to replant the plant. However, if replanting is necessary, it is best to do it when new roots begin to grow. This will allow the plant to adapt to the new substrate in the shortest possible time.


 The Rigid Coelogyne need to be watered abundantly during the period of active growth with easy drying between waterings. When new growths reach maturity in autumn, the amount of water gradually decreases. Watering is directly dependent on the temperature of the content, the higher it is, the more often it needs to be watered. When watering, excess water should flow freely from the pot, since stagnation of water both inside the pot and in its pan can very quickly lead to rotting of the roots and the lower part of the plant.

Coelogyne stricta care and culture
© Piotr


 During the active growth of the plant should be fertilized every week 1/4-1/2 of the recommended dose of fertilizer for orchids. Many breeders prefer to use sustainable fertilizer throughout the year, but there are also those who use fertilizer with increased nitrogen content from spring to mid summer, and then, in late summer and autumn, begin using a fertilizer with a higher content of phosphorus.

 In order to avoid the accumulation of mineral deposits during the period of strong fertilization, it is recommended to rinse the containers approximately every month. Flushing is especially important where the water is highly mineralized. First, normally, the plant should be watered to dissolve the accumulated salts, and after about an hour, rinse the substrate with water equal to twice the volume of the container.

Rest period:

 A cool and dry resting period for Coelogyne stricta is essential for healthy growth and flowering. When new growths reach maturity in autumn, the amount of water supplied decreases gradually, and in the winter only small occasional watering or morning spraying is enough. The amount of water can be increased when we notice the drying of the tips of the youngest leaves or when the pseudobulbs become wrinkled excessively. Leaves on older pseudobulbs may naturally die in this period, but the ends of the youngest should remain green. A small wrinkle can also occur on the newest pseudobulbs. Over wrinkles indicate a shortage of water, while its lack, i.e. excess water, may cause the plant to not bloom. Fertilization should also be reduced or even eliminated until spring, when it returns to more abundant watering.



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Abelia,7,Abutilon,2,Acalypha,1,Acampe,1,acianthera,1,Acineta,8,Acriopsis,1,Ada,3,Adenium,3,Adromischus,1,Aeonium,2,Aerangis,30,Aeranthes,8,Aerides,19,Aganisia,2,Agapanthus,10,Agapetes,1,Agave,9,Aglaonema,75,Aichryson,2,Air plants,82,Akebia,2,Aldrovanda,1,Alocasia,37,Aloe,1,Amesiella,3,Amydrium,3,Anathallis,4,Ancistrochilus,1,Angraecopsis,1,Angraecum,31,Anguloa,2,Annual,18,Anoectochilus,3,Ansellia,1,Anthurium,30,Ardisia,1,Aronia,1,Arpophyllum,1,Arundina,1,Ascocentrum,5,Aspasia,5,Aster,6,Astrophytum,2,Asystasia,1,Aucuba,1,Austrocylindropuntia,1,Barkeria,8,Beallara,1,Begonia,1,Benzingia,1,Berlandiera,1,Bifrenaria,5,Bletilla,1,Bougainvillea,5,Brachtia,1,Brasiliorchis,1,Brassavola,5,Brassia,21,Bryobium,1,Bryophyllum,1,Bulbophyllum,41,Cactus,51,Cadetia,2,Caladium,105,Calanthe,21,Calathea,16,Campsis,1,Capanemia,1,Carnivorous plant,12,Catasetum,62,Cattleya,58,Cedrus,3,Celosia,3,Ceratocentron,1,Ceratostylis,2,Cereus,2,Chiloschista,4,Chlorophytum,1,Chondroscaphe,3,Chysis,2,Cirrhaea,1,Cischweinfia,1,Clematis,1,Clowesia,1,Cochlioda,2,Codiaeum,1,Coelia,1,Coelogyne,35,Coilostylis,1,Coleus,1,Comparettia,2,Conifers,39,Cordyline,3,Coryanthes,2,Cosmos,1,Crassothonna,1,Crassula,1,Crotalaria,1,Cuitlauzina,2,Cyclamen,23,Cycnoches,7,Cymbidiella,1,Cymbidium,53,Cypripedium,14,Cyrtochiloides,1,Cyrtochilum,2,Cyrtorchis,2,Darlingtonia,1,Darmera,1,Degarmoara,1,Dendrobium,213,Dendrochilum,5,Dendrophylax,1,Dieffenbachia,27,Diodonopsis,2,Dionaea,1,Diplocaulobium,1,Disa,2,Disocactus,1,Dockrillia,8,Domingoa,1,Dracaena,6,Dracula,13,Dryadella,3,Dyakia,1,Echeveria,43,Echinocactus,2,Echinocereus,2,Embreea,1,Encyclia,24,Ensete,1,Epidendrum,12,Epigeneium,3,Epilobium,1,Epipactis,5,Epiphyllum,2,Epipremnum,5,Eria,1,Erycina,2,Erythronium,1,Esmeralda,1,Euchile,2,Eulophia,1,Euphorbia,1,Eurychone,2,Eustoma,3,Fernandezia,2,Fittonia,3,Galeandra,1,Galeottia,1,Gardenia,8,Gastrochilus,3,Gerbera,6,Ginkgo,1,Goeppertia,17,Gomesa,3,Gongora,2,Grammatophyllum,3,Graptopetalum,1,Guarianthe,3,Gymnocalycium,2,Gynura,1,Habenaria,2,Haraella,1,Hatiora,1,Haworthia,1,Hedera,1,Helcia,1,Herb,334,Heuchera,222,Heucherella,12,Hosta,114,Houlletia,1,Hoya,2,Humulus,1,Hybrid,27,Hydrangea,28,Hylostachys,1,Hylotelephium,2,Hymenorchis,1,Hypoestes,4,Ionopsis,1,Isabelia,2,Isochilus,1,Jasminum,6,Jatropha,1,Jumellea,2,Juniperus,1,Kalanchoe,32,Kefersteinia,3,Laelia,15,Larix,4,Lepanthes,2,Leptotes,1,Lithops,27,Lockhartia,1,Ludisia,1,Lycaste,3,Macodes,1,Macroclinium,5,Mammillaria,2,Masdevallia,124,Maxillaria,43,Mazus,1,Mediocalcar,1,Meiracyllium,1,Mentha,1,Mexicoa,1,Microterangis,1,Miltonia,14,Miltoniopsis,12,Monstera,1,Mormodes,4,Musella,1,Myoporum,1,Myrmecophila,1,Mystacidium,3,Nageia,1,Nandina,7,Neobathiea,1,Neobenthamia,1,Neofinetia,1,Notylia,2,Odontoglossum,19,Oeoniella,1,Oestlundia,1,Oncidium,37,Ophrys,11,Opuntia,4,Orchid,1543,Orostachys,1,Others Genus,245,Othonna,1,Otoglossum,1,Pabstia,1,Pachyphytum,1,Paphinia,2,Paphiopedilum,77,Papilionanthe,2,Parodia,2,Pecteilis,1,Peperomia,2,Perennials,881,Peristeria,2,Pescatoria,8,Petrosedum,3,Petunia,8,Phaius,5,Phalaenopsis,65,Phedimus,5,Philodendron,52,Pholidota,2,Phragmipedium,16,Phyla,1,Pilea,12,Pinus,25,Platanthera,6,Plectranthus,9,Plectrelminthus,1,Pleione,18,Pleroma,1,Pleurothallis,10,Plumeria,1,Podangis,1,Podocarpus,2,Polystachya,14,Ponthieva,1,Pothos,1,Promenaea,2,Prosthechea,18,Pseudolarix,1,Psychopsiella,1,Psychopsis,5,Pteris,1,Pteroceras,1,Puna,2,Rangaeris,2,Renanthera,4,Restrepia,8,Rhaphidophora,5,Rhipsalis,14,Rhododendron,40,Rhyncholaelia,2,Rhynchostele,8,Rhynchostylis,2,Robiquetia,1,Rodriguezia,4,Rodrigueziopsis,1,Rossioglossum,4,Rudolfiella,1,Ruellia,1,Saintpaulia,1,Salvia,36,Sansevieria,1,Sarcochilus,4,Sarracenia,9,Scaphosepalum,1,Schlumbergera,10,Schoenorchis,1,Scindapsus,2,Scuticaria,1,Sedirea,1,Sedum,148,Selaginella,1,Selenicereus,1,Sempervivum,9,Shrubs,132,Sievekingia,1,Sigmatostalix,3,Sobennikoffia,2,Sobralia,1,Solenidiopsis,1,Sophronitis,1,Spathiphyllum,1,Spathoglottis,10,Specklinia,1,Sporobolus,1,Stanhopea,13,Stauntonia,1,Stelis,1,Stenoglottis,1,Streptocarpus,1,Strobilanthes,1,Succulents,290,Sudamerlycaste,1,Symphyglossum,1,Thaumatophyllum,2,Thunia,1,Tibouchina,1,Tillandsia,82,Tolumnia,7,Trachelospermum,1,Tree,50,Trichocentrum,7,Trichoglottis,4,Trichopilia,8,Trisetella,1,Tsuga,1,Turbinicarpus,2,Vanda,8,Vandopsis,1,Vanilla,1,Vines and Climbing Plants,83,Vitis,1,Warczewiczella,2,Warmingia,1,Wisteria,1,Zamioculcas,1,Zelenkoa,1,Zygopetalum,13,Zygosepalum,2,
Travaldo's blog: Coelogyne stricta care and culture
Coelogyne stricta care and culture
Coelogyne stricta is found in northeastern India, Nepal, Bhutan, upper Myanmar, China and Vietnam. It grows on trees along steep riverbanks in lower and upper montane forests at elevations of 1100-2000 meters above sea level.
Travaldo's blog
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