Tillandsia angulosa s a very rare species coming from the north and from the center of Argentina. Its natural habitat is semi-arid zones; it is found at various altitudes and grows on tree branches, occasionally on rocks or even on cactuses.
Tillandsia angulosa air plant is a species of the genus Tillandsia in the family Bromeliaceae. This species was described by Carl Christian Mez in 1896.
Tillandsia angulosa air plant is a very rare species coming from the north and from the center of Argentina. Its natural habitat is semi-arid zones; it is found at various altitudes and grows on tree branches, occasionally on rocks or even on cactuses.
It is a small epiphytic species, caulescent with short stem that has small, few, polystiques (sometimes couplets when the plant is young) leaves. The sheaths are oval, thin and veined (except at the base). The limbs are triangular, very scaly, with a sharp apex.
This air plant blooms from a single flowered inflorescence, terminal, borne by a very short stalk concealed by the leaves. The flowers are non-tubular, only a few millimeters long and are orange, no fragrant.
Cultural information should only be used as a guide, and should be to be adapted to suit you. Your physical location; where you grow your plants, how much time you have to devote to their care, and many other factors, will need to be taken into account. Only then can you decide on the cultural methods that best suit you and your plants.
Tillandsia angulosa loves a lot of light and in nature it grows in full sun. However, in cultivation it is better to keep it sheltered from direct sun during the hottest hours (from 11.30 to 15). The light level of 25000-35000 lux is recommended.
The required temperature ranging from 10 to 32°C. This air plant will fall in the fall if you grow outdoors, so that it does not face night temperatures below 5 ° C, especially if it is wet. The plant can faced temperatures close to 0 ° C (sheltered and dry) for a few hours without damage.
This species need the humidity of 60-70%. Good aeration is required, the plant must dry quickly (in less than an hour).
Substrate, growing media and repotting:
Tillandsia angulosa can be place on a piece of wood for example. Place the plant very close to a window indoors in the winter and preferably outside the summer in sunny or partial shade.
In the period when nightly temperatures are above 10 ° C, it is possible to cultivate this species outdoors. The chosen location must be bright (the direct sun of the morning and afternoon is very welcome, but first you have to make sure that the plant gets used to it) and protected from rains.
Medium intensity vaporizations every 2 days in summer and 4 days in winter. If the tips of the leaves start to dry out, the wetting frequency must be increased. However, the plant must be able to dry within a maximum of 2 hours after wetting, so good ventilation is very important.
The fertilizations occur 1 time a month using 1/8 of the dose indicated on the bottle of a liquid fertilizer for orchids. The fertilizer is added to the wetting water.