Abutilon megapotamicum is a vigorous shrub, warm-hearted but relatively easy to cultivate in open ground in mild climate, or in pots in cooler climate. Forming a mass of thin arched branches, more or less falling or climbing if it is trellised, it tirelessly produces curious yellow and red two-tone flowers that hang from the end of a long peduncle to the axil of each leaf...
Abutilon megapotamicum is a vigorous shrub, warm-hearted but relatively easy to cultivate in open ground in mild climate, or in pots in cooler climate. Forming a mass of thin arched branches, more or less falling or climbing if it is trellised, it tirelessly produces curious yellow and red two-tone flowers that hang from the end of a long peduncle to the axil of each leaf. Persistent to semi-persistent according to the climate, rustic down to -10 ° C in sheltered situation, this generous shrub, come from the tropical and sub-tropical zones of South America, perfectly embodies the exoticism and gaiety of its origins.
Abutilon megapotamicum details:
Abutilon megapotamicum, also known as Trailing Abutilon, Brazilian Bell Flower, is a shrub native to southern Brazil and Uruguay that exists in two forms: a spreading shrub whose twigs naturally undertake layering, forming term a large ground cover, or a large vigorous shrub composed of slender and arched branches, reaching 2 m in all directions, or even more, for a fairly slow growth. Belonging to the family Malvaceae, this species is also a plant very floriferous and undemanding on the nature of the soil.
Flowering occurs from June to October, in abundance. The flowers occurs in the axils of the leaves, hanging from a long peduncle. They are composed of 5 sepals bright red welded bell, gradually 5 petals bright yellow, then long stamens prominent purple-purplish. Foliage, persistent to semi-persistent (destroyed at -5 ° C), is composed of alternate leaves, oblong to ovoid, heart-shaped, light green and bright.
More rustic than it seems, Abutilon megapotamicum is able to leave the strain after having endured short frost of the order of -10 ° C, if it is installed in a very sheltered situation, against a wall in the south for example. It can therefore be installed in the ground. Elsewhere, it is grown without difficulty in a large pot that will be exposed on the terrace from April to October, to shelter it from the cold in winter.
Grow and care Abutilon megapotamicum:
Plant the Abutilon megapotamicum in the spring or fall in a mild climate, well sheltered and very sunny, in a drained soil but remaining fresh, loose, fertile. This plant tolerates the presence of limestone in the soil, but it is not a dry plant.
Make a beautiful deep planting pit, add to your garden soil a little soil and sand to improve the soil quality if needed. Water abundantly after planting and in summer, during periods of high heat. Put the plant on a trellis or a fence, because this shrub devoid of attachment system and twigs will not cling only to its support. The plant shows a high sensitivity to gastropods, lepidopterans, aphids, and especially oidium.
It is easily propagated by cuttings of young stems in water: the rooting takes place after about 3 weeks. Once the roots have appeared, it is necessary to wean them, that is to say to transfer the cutting in a medium composed of soggy potting soil (place a saucer under the pot), which one will "dry out" gradually, on a period of about 15 days.
Grow in pots: choose a large pot pierced at the bottom, with a volume of 30 to 50 liters. Treat drainage by placing a layer of gravel, terra cotta or clay balls at the bottom. Fill with a mixture consisting of half garden soil, a quarter of the potting soil and a quarter of coarse sand. The substrate must be rich in nutrients and kept fresh throughout the growing season. The plant requires watering followed during the warmer months, and a regular supply of fertilizer for flowering plants from May to September. In winter, reduce watering and stop fertilizer application. Store the plant in a bright place, little or no heat, but frost free.